They absolutely still sell them in Texas, at least at their stores located in small towns.
They absolutely still sell them in Texas, at least at their stores located in small towns.
Can buy them in Indiana
Well, wait, “cheddar” isn’t a uniformly flavored cheese - it “sharpens” as it ages, and the diets of cows and different fat content in the milk from different breeds of cows mean the milk used regionally will have differences in taste, etc. Moving past the bricks produced by Kraft or Sargento, Vermont aged cheddar…
Now *this* is the kind of valuable content I’d like to see more of. Thanks!
The question that I still have about all plant based substitutes for meat and dairy is whether or not they have a lesser impact on the environment. I’m not interested in those products because I object to animal products, and I really don’t consume that much of them in the first place, but if I’m going to pay the…
Yeah, but here’s the thing. This graph is old as the hills, but shows a point.
Poor people spending money they don’t have benefits the 1%
I don’t know if I any longer have the youthful masochism necessary to try this variety.
I have to say, the ancient city of Petra really IS everything it’s cracked up to be. Plus, the site is so huge, it’s hard to get overcrowded. And it has to be accessed via a narrow canyon, which is over a mile long, and only wide enough for pedestrians or a donkey cart, no cars allowed, so that kind of limits the…
Fuck and No. I started working on my grandfather’s dairy farm every summer starting at age 12. I have no fucking desire to play farmer even if it doesn’t involve stacking haybales, cow shit, or fencing pliers.
I don’t know where these fit in the exotic range, but it’s hard to get classier than a vintage Mercedes SL. A good example is this 1985 380SL hardtop convertible-
Another one that I’d add because it really pisses me off and I’m starting to see it more and more over the years;
Exactly! Spend a couple hundred adding another menu board a few car lengths back and give people time to start planning. And dont have that rotating Digital screen shit where I have to wait another 45 seconds to get back to the burgers so I can figure out what I want!
I’m sure staffing has a larger impact than the number of folks in line. Also, since a key metric appears to be “time to get through the line,” a lot of these places seem to be playing three card monte with this, by simply making you pay, drive through, and park in the lot for another 5 mins before they bring the food…
“This may be an obvious one, but actually know what you want to order before you pull up to the speaker.”
I had the first iPod with colour video, and alongside my music I loaded the first season of Red vs. Blue so my nerd friends and I could always laugh about Pumas.
And here I was trying to figure out why anyone would put olive brine in a Shirley Temple.
but once she’s able to explain to them why things might be a little more expensive in a zero-waste store, it becomes more understandable.
My 2006 Magnum SRT8 is named Pam, after Pam Poovey from Archer.
I’ve never been in, or seen, a full-scale food fight in real life.
Do these things actually happen?