
Bet if she had been an attractive 20 year old white woman they would have looked way harder.

I don’t recommend it warm, it’s designed to be spreadable while cold. I have a feeling it’d get really loose and runny, which probably isn’t ideal for dipping...

Alright, which of you jerks has been hoarding Democrats?!

I urge everyone to go read the full article. I read it yesterday and it made my blood boil. Fucking Scumbags.

I live in a city of 100,000 with an RCMP detachment, and we don’t have anything that ridiculous. 

The part that pissed me off even more is that they run mostly unmarked cars and have officers without markings. Not to mention that they have a massive PAID police department but a volunteer FIRE department.

In Missouri, it took a state law limiting the amount of money any city can derive from traffic enforcement (following Ferguson) to change this, along with banning asset forfeiture, without a conviction, in 2001.

Blue Lies Matter

Option A: vote him out

We were required to take both in junior high. I enjoyed the cooking (mostly baking), hated the water displacement method of measuring shortening (no sticks of shortening in those days), hated the dishwashing lessons, which went against my family method and later restaurant knowledge. Made a quilted pillow despite

Big surprise that this kind of crap occurs in the Texas of Canada.

Beer before liquor is way more of a gray area than a simple true/false statement:

That thing is obscene and I lived on 42nd street in the 70s.

I drove to Orlando and back from Tampa. Let me tell you about I-4. It’s a mess. But it is STILL exceptional because of the billboards.

Wow. I swing back round here for the first time in who-knows-how-long and the first thing I see is Allison’s taking off.

That machete is a kukri.

If you had that much soup, why didn't you freeze some?

No rules. I keep my fridge very cold and lean towards dishes that freeze well as I’m all about bulk purchasing and preparation. Things stacked at the back of the top shelf will form ice on the surface and I avoid there if it’s a thing that shouldn’t.

this is a meme I saw like 2 years ago on twitter and someone is just rehashing it on tiktok

It took me almost 40 years to finally understand that, really, Turkish Delight is kind of awful. Par for the course for Edmund, that little snitch.