
I shop by my office because I live in Queens and work on the island.  Before when I didn’t have a car, I had to stop at the Keyfood on my corner.  It is the worst supermarket, but Keyfood are hit or miss because they are usually independently owned, but operate as a co-op for purchasing so they vary pretty widely. 

“The Popeyes chicken sandwich has been an agent of chaos”

I skipped right over that story, definitely not my problem.

I don’t know. Three times I’ve gone to a McD’s kiosk, started my order by selecting a combo meal, and then I was unable to change the size of the fries, or drink, or both.

She’s quite famous.

After a very disappointing trip to the hospital while on vacation I got to take home a really nice insulated mug that they gave ice water in.

The lesson here is that sometimes when you engage in conspicuous consumption, stuff gets conspicuously consumed.

Holy fuck, that was one of the most embarrassing things I’ve read recently.

Or, she’s in a relationship with an abusive shit, who has her all twisted up. We all know the type. And now that fuckface is gonna drag her to hell with him.

Well he sounds like a keeper. Definitely someone to bring home to mom and dad, and to start planning a future with.

So the first issue to resolve is “who is going to which family.” We all are grown and have in laws. Who is with whom, who is hosting, who is invited. If I want to solve this early, I cook and invite everybody.

(He was out of town and left the keys visible. Expectations of resistance are unreasonable)

Whatever is > Legal Limit+30 km/h where I live, as that means that you lose your driver’s licence if caught.

We will be eating our Thanksgiving meal at Waffle House this year. My parents died recently, and Thanksgiving was “our” holiday (if you have in-laws you know what I mean). We have been invited other places....but NOPE! I’m not having it. This year especially I do not want to fucking deal with anyone else’s shitty cooki

I’m *checks notes* 27 and I hate my generation as well.  Luckily I have no Facebook and only got a Twitter account last week to track WTF was going on with G/O and Kinja

a) he cheated so he should get banned

Exactly. The unique situation that post WWII middle class white America found itself in can’t be overstated. Mostly intact infrastructure, a huge group of returning veterans who had experienced Continental cooking, gigantic leaps in technology and a generation of women newly released/shoved out of wartime jobs who,

Wow, this article brought a tsunami of wonderful memories. I looooved that canned bread. If I was very careful, I could get it toasted in our pop-up toaster. The fragrance was intoxicating. And those baked beans, yum. Everyone should try it.

Deadspin is what happens when you add too much herb to a successful dish.

A 30,000 purse? Buy her a new one and put her head in it.