Its *almost* like they can’t actually build safe self-driving system to a reasonable standard, so they are trying to come up with their own arbitrary standard they know they can meet!
Its *almost* like they can’t actually build safe self-driving system to a reasonable standard, so they are trying to come up with their own arbitrary standard they know they can meet!
Nacho Fries just need to be permanent, please.
The hardest part of poaching chicken is making sure the game wardens don’t catch you at it. 😉
I’ve been, completely serendipitously. I was on this massive road trip to attend an upstate wedding. I drove all around, I took a few vacation days.
Clearly the Taco Bell Cantina is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Ok you’re never going to believe me on this, but I have giant boobs (well maybe you believe that part) made suuuuper...let’s say, gravitationally advantaged by nursing in the past. Now I’m pregnant again and have gained 50 lbs of baby weight (go me?) and had to get a new bra but didn’t want to spend a fortune (my…
Descendants of the people seen in this photograph still live in that Buick to this day.
The family may have been stuck there but at least the Buick was large enough to seat six...for dinner.
pretty easy - just grab ‘em by the hot dish
High time one got burnt by a Christian.
Roxanne! You don’t have to put on that red hat.
Man, I did that with brownies. There isn’t much that’s as disappointing as trying a brownie with no sugar. We were not as lucky as you, as it was obvious that something was VERY off. A month later I did it again with another batch. I have since been banned from making brownies.
My GQ bosses at the time said my idea was fucking stupid
I think we found Bret Stephens’ kinja username
I doubt this’ll escape the grays, but I think you’re on to something when you say this:
Sounds like my job.
The trenta is only available for iced drinks. The trenta cup is the perfect size to hold a whole bottle of wine. The more you know ...
Red wine needs to be higher. Don’t ask how I know.