
And japan has no fukushimas left to give

Yes. I had to look this up for the same reason. There is a 5 team Division I and what looks like an 11 team Division II.

Relegation means you get kicked off the island.

The wrinkle everyone is missing here is that the ref is his girlfriend’s father.

Nope. I work at a company with right around 70,000 people. The CEO absolutely sets the tone of how employees are treated. Both through his decisions and the examples he sets. If the CEO, routinely dismisses the contributions of employees and is openly disdainful of them, his managers and their directs will get the

What about the economy and the markets?

Cheat, and blame her. Obvs.

I work at a government agency that also has to do with taxes, and I can tell you what this guy was doing...

“It Was In His Gut, It Was In His Pants, It Was On Our Bench: The Antonin Scalia Story”

based on medical advice, we were told it might take a while to conceive — so my wife and i started early. 60 days later, she is pregnant. So much for medical advice.

I’m in my late 30s and used to be a very involved activist in the 90s and had to step away for awhile because I became far too burned out. I thought about trying to get involved again, and then interacted with some young activists when teaching at a university, and I couldn’t handle the amount of vocabulary/thought

Thank you. Jesus fucking Christ, fuck me for thinking everyone should be treated equally without spending my whole life learning about the historical injustices (insert group here) had to face. When I go, “Man shit really fucked up how can I help?” and you go “You don’t even know, you need to shut up and listen.” I

“How do you know that I’m not reading black poetry?” <——(Real quote!)

If that were a major motivating factor, why the hell is Brad Marchand in and Patrice Bergeron out?

“There’s already been plenty of debate about the ideologies behind the Women’s March, spurred by white women who seem upset that they might be forced to think about race or class when they’re just trying to engage in a little soft-focus, low-level activism that makes them feel good before brunch.”

I just don’t see how an attitude of, “They’re not REALLY on our side because they’re white” helps literally anything. Insulting and alienating people on your own team only helps the other team.

you guys know they’re going to instigate and say awful things to start fights and then blame liberals for it, right?

Just sayin’.

As a Rangers fan, I’m scared to death of your team. As long as you don’t get hit with the injury bug you’re absolutely a Cup contender. (And selfishly speaking, a Rangers/Jackets series would be tons of fun no matter who wins.)

Please post pics of the Magary family dog for us to upvote.