You’re not stupid. It’s okay to learn and improve.
You’re not stupid. It’s okay to learn and improve.
I haven’t seen Roker’s reaction yet. I feel like once in a while you can count on him to just be straight with the audience even if it makes for uncomfortable TV. Wish he had done that today. As far as Savannah is concerned, I guess I just don’t know what showing integrity would really look like when you walk into…
I’m sure she had a general awareness of his reputation for being shitty. I’m not sure that means she had any responsibility to, what, get someone senior to her fired? Quit?
Re: your first point, she has that in common with most of American media figures. Re: your second, it seems you’ve just decided to be certain about that.
“Sad News for Suits Fans”
I really love Savannah Guthrie and I think she did a great job here under rushed and difficult circumstances.
Help me I’m excited
The sheer, magnificent, impossible size of the animals next to those fucking twats makes the animals look more beautiful (and tragic) and those two more fucking disgusting. There are people who look at those animals and see something terrific and miraculous and want it to go on living, and there are people like them…
Nobody I know wants this. Myself included. And all of us are gonna watch it.
and why is she wearing WEDGE HEELS?!!??!?!
Y’all are too young to sound this old, and that goes for most of the comment section too.
I love you for choosing this name.
I just screamed.
It is good that women (and men) are sharing their stories and hammering home what an incredibly widespread issue this is; it would be better if there were some second step and if those same women and men and their allies could activate this huge group of people toward some end.
How can my heart break and grow all at once?!
Rich, thank you for this measured and interesting piece, and for outlining the nuances of a fraught story.
As a fellow Emotional Pyrotechnician, I salute you <3
I make scenes now 💅🏼
Madeleine I understand your confusion but that actually isn’t Paul Reiser, it’s Eleven.