
It's an arrow board, most marked Toronto Police traffic units carry them.

Aside from the double post, this actually a really annoying problem in and around Toronto. Though most often the ignorant asshats that do this usually do when there's an accident blocking the one vital "lane" emergency services use to respond if traffic is backed up making it that much more aggravating to witness.

Obligatory crappy scumbag hat photoshop.

It does make sense and I agree in leaving the debate on what's right or wrong to rest. I just remember as a kind my grandmother telling me the story about the Arrow, so it easily could have had some bias. Thanks for the insight!

Was the politics regarding just plain old opposition in parliament or the United States? I was always told that Diefenbaker was intimidated by the Americans into shutting the project down. It's a shame though, it was a beautiful aircraft.

Traffic enforcement vehicles should usually have stealth markings on them anyway.

Unrelated, but still comes to mind whenever I hear the name...

I just realized that the Cruze Estate exists, only not in Uruguay, but the UK instead.

Meanwhile at Ferrari (Circa 2019)

No it isn't, but I hear he/she mouth-breathes while reading the Mail.

Shove a V12 in there, badge it as the Miura and call it a day.

And the plot thickens...

I was going to say Malibu, or a refreshed, facelifted Impala possibly?

At the neck!

Yeah only it wasn't a trace, they deemed that he smoked it that he was under the influence before he died...

I really like the bright red paint on the new F150. They're an odd colour to find among the horde of 12th gens that roam around where I live. I figure it will be the same for the 13th. Guard also looks really good as well, that'd be my second pick.

Agreed. People seem to forget that there are politicians that get paid way more money by taxpayers to answer a group or individual's questions and complaints. After all they are the ones that have legislative powers...

Well, it's not fair for me to weigh too much in on American politics as it's not my field to do so. I'm more worried about the lines Stephen Harper (I'm a Canuck) and the Conservatives are going to assist. We seem to do loads of talking, or in John Baird's case shouting, but not much happens.