The Kei-Team**.
The Kei-Team**.
Was it just me or did the teaser have some transmission whine in the sound, a la sequential gearbox a la race car?
It’s front is comparable to a Kia Sportage eating a Dodge Charger the way a pelican eats a duck.
They still share a 1% technical partnership.
In spite of Toyota not being in game, this will be the most content filled game Turn 10 will have turned out in years, probably since Forza Motorsport 4. 700+ cars at launch and I think 30-32 tracks including the return of Maple Valley and Suzuka. They revamped customization aspects of the game again with more body…
Does it have a tendency to try and oversteer while driving near a crowd of pedestrians?
Ah. I agree as well, one could look at Michelin in F1 as a great example of that point. Though it makes more sense to see Goodyear develop a more diverse set of different compounds for the drivers so long as there is a mandate to prevent advantage gains over safety with tire pressures or whatever else crews could muck…
Matte black/primed Demon hoods: Coming to an R/T model near you.
A Thought: Considering Hoosier just got bought out by Continental who already has a shoe in with NASCAR via the WeatherTech series, they actually might be in a better position now than ever before....
Don’t be upsetti-.. have some spaghetti!
‘dat brick tho’
+1 Hasty Retreat
It’s also their job regardless to protect public interests on the highway, even if their charges don’t stick, they’re still going to have to pay the impound and possible legal fees. Who gets blamed if a member of the public calls in and nobody responds and some jackass kills someone? The police. They don’t have the…
GBs would be a nightmare..... “Hold up good chap and allow me a moment to reload thy musket so I may smite you with a 360 no-monocle.”................
IMO: Unlike them, I respect their right to life, just not a free, enjoyable, or emotionally/mentally stable one.
Exactly, there’s unfortunately a point of no return where all the rehabilitation and restorative practices in the world can’t help even a young person. It should serve an example as to how cognizant people need to be of how others reflect the environment they come from and what needs to be improved so shit like this…
Whether or not they are the thinking type is one issue, but having the propensity to be so volatile that you execute someone in front of their family is much more disturbing. Actions like that deserve a lifetime of being surrounded by concrete walls and receiving meals through a door.