That render just makes me want to kill something.
That render just makes me want to kill something.
Finally, something to combat those "The Chive" shirts that keep popping up like the malignant tumors of a homeowner in Pripyat.
Finally, something to combat those "The Chive" shirts that keep popping up like the malignant tumors of a homeowner in Pripyat.
Ooops, totally stopped this pursuit like a badass...
We have the McDonald-Cartier Freeway - 401 which can expand to 18 lanes wide. It's also the busiest highway in NA due to the high levels of freight that are shipped across the 817 kilometre stretch. Cars are preferred over here, we drive and make them in large quantities including those that are loved by our…
Because of course they would.
"Damn Vancouverites. Noo, you couldn't just be like Toronto, all boring, overly-political assholes and crack addict mayors now could you? You had to do something colourful because your from the land of mass produced weed and female armpit hair. Hippies." - Randomly Disgruntled Manitoban
The most beautiful sounding ringer, because German powered Italian race car.
It's the stickers isn't it... Must be the stickers..
University, sorry I am mistaken on the first fact, you are right and it is politically motivated to a degree!
Did anybody else hear a peculiar noise at 1:40-1:45?
The elevated CO2 emissions from vehicles alone in China and the US account for most of the man made air pollution in the world. We're seeing more elevated rates at a faster pace because 1/3 of the Earth's carbon sinks are gone. We're extracting and using fossil fuels at an alarming rate an now we have an ozone layer…