Imagine: It's a Suzuki.
Imagine: It's a Suzuki.
Better question, how could the dickhead driving not notice the bright, flashing blue lights and slow down to avoid them?
The best part of this video is the very end when you see the trooper pull out because you know a can of judicial whoop-ass is about to be unleashed.
As a Canadian I have heard a lot of unpleasant things about Air Canada but in all honesty as a Canadian looking from the outside in what the American government has done to it's own people and workers I would be extremely more concerned about my own country than a dog in Canada. There's micro and macro levels in terms…
In Texas because you all pay so much more in taxes per capita than any other state or other country in the world for that matter...
I find it amusing that some people are actually ignorant enough to lay blame on the NYPD as a whole. Way to generalize an entire police force based on the acts of a single moronically incompetent idiot, the same idiot that was arrested by his own employer for being a fucking idiot. Real educated opinion. Why aren't we…
The HKS CT230R also known as the Mitsubishi HKS HIPERMAX EVO. It's a time attack car but has all the literal race trimmings of a sportscar racer minus the fact that it's not of a GT style because supercool Japanese sedan. I always get confused with which Evo is which from the previous generation but I love this car.
Meaning the USCC will be almost fully competing in the 24hrs of Le Mans! If they can some teams can afford it....
Yeah that's understandable, it's just seems a bit over the top and douchey and slightly awkward even to give your car the same name of the founder. Imagine the Bruce being the name for the P1 or the Horacio being the nickname for the Huayara or the Mustang GT being called Harry. It's actually rather hilariously silly.
It needs to be called the F70, it seems more fitting to follow the history of naming Ferrari's iconic super cars the way they had started with the F40 and F50. I never liked the "Enzo" name either, it was a nice tribute but it should have been called the F60. You don't see very serious super car manufacturers giving…
Really? Our guards? The American ones I find tend to be more intimidating/mean, even though I understand it's their job much like our guards. I never see a CBSA officer standing with an AR-15 in front of the posts lol.
"We also asked for turbodiesel wagons with manual transmissions in matte brown and a bunch of other crap that might work or might Saturn Astrafuck them into oblivion, so props to Ford for listening juuuuuuust enough."
"My friends and I – we've cracked the code.
We count our dollars on the train to the party.
And everyone who knows us knows that we're fine with this,
We didn't come from money.
Was designing cars something that came naturally, something that came with years of trial and error or was it something you were formally schooled on? Your work is amazing!
I oddly enough as an 18 year old student was lucky and was given an opportunity to drive the new Impala just back in August. My neighbors got together for the annual drinking binge and one was a manager on a GM line at the Oshawa plant. He decided halfway through the joy ride to let me have a go and I was amazed. The…
Well okay it isn't exactly American, but it has purpose in America as a traffic enforcement car in Virginia I believe. It's also not a police vehicle that has been tested in the United States but it's downright cool, boxy, with a mechanical soul because made in Japan. It's a Nissan GT-R. EVI did the work for a police…