
Yes and if someone drove a small truck that looked like that for leisure I would certainly think they were handicapped. For the price GM will sell it for you may as well invest in something more fun.

Yeah the maintenance adds up. Ours is definitely coming up on 240,000 km I love the new design so I can see a new car coming soon, it's been good to us but I'm convinced my dad is itching for a newer Tahoe, however my mom gets the pick. Also the new Fusion is insanely good looking!

Hey back to you on my car, it needed two new bearings in the rear and the rear sway bar snapped... Once again feeling lucky to be living in not dead in a ditch because detached wheels.

Secondly I understand that the U.S. needs higher limits but I can't agree with the argument's headline, if anything it should be addressed as "Why the United States Needs Higher Speed Limits" not "Speed Doesn't Kill".

Speed doesn't kill the sudden stop does. Regardless of whomever argues this will never say that speed doesn't kill. This is simply because it plays into accidents as a factor. If two cars are going say 70 kph (The Canadian Back Road Standard) The chance of a fatality (which in truth is still high) in the event of a

They had this marked on Wikipedia since 2011 under the Canadian Military's future projects. The initial contract I believe was $550,000.00 CA to Bombardier. Our military is also having new advanced ice breakers built. Pretty sure it's to expand our territory.

They had this marked on Wikipedia since 2011 under the Canadian Military's future projects. The initial contract I believe was $550,000.00 CA to Bombardier. Our military is also having new advanced ice breakers built. Pretty sure it's to expand our territory.

What a shocker... Isn't it quite obvious that those scenes are set up? Top Gear wouldn't exist if those were real people, they would have been sued to the ground. They do it because they want to convey humor to the hundreds of millions of people that watch and enjoy their show. They want people to thoroughly enjoy

So a cop doing his job loses his job. They should just fire all those plugs. Obviously they don't have any concept of this great thing we have to regulate fairness in society called law.

I'm 18 and I drive my parent's 2004 Grand Prix GT with GM's 3800 200HP V-6 and an auto 4 speed under the hood... and it's weird. It feels like it bad power but can't quite stretch it's legs and it has what feels like some bulky body roll. I can't imagine what the GXP feels like but the idea of it being FWD with a V-8

The Ontario Provincial Police's Maserati Quattroporte.

The C6 Corvette, happy with a dash of sinister evil. >:)

You have a point to a degree, I'm not going to bother with researching. Not because I'm ignorant by any extent and I understand your point to it's full extent. But you can watch any news report on a fatal car accident and in some fraction whether big or small will have speed playing as a factor fatalities because all

Here's my reasoning! (And keep in mind this is merely opinion.) The public in my view hold a police force in a paternal matter for the most part. They enforce the laws much like morals and rules your parents try to get you to abide by. However if you got caught doing something out of line (terrible examples>>) say

Here's my reasoning! (And keep in mind

He's a good samaritan only to the degree that he helps his fellow man in an ignorant manner. The fact is speed will kill people and it's the police department's duty to ensure that all drivers on the road are safe, for if they did not that would be negligence of their duty to serve the people. That man was