Ill just leave this here.
I know it’s a pipe dream (ba-dum PSH), but a Super Mario RPG remaster maybe?
Sunshine remaster would be cool!
Notice it has 4 wheels as well.
I’m glad they are allowing controller support, Diablo 3 was way better on consoles because of it. Fight me!
Will we get a remaster of these?
No reason this article needs to be longer than one sentence: they are too expensive.
Wouldnt care. Because I wouldn't have to pay the markup for getting it "early"
Based off the sounds they used, and the way the text sits at the bottom, they based this off NFS Underground 1/2. Long before loot boxes and paywalls.
Too late.
A L O T of XC40
A few shots of the actual car have been taken! I think it looks quite good!
What hate is in that headline? As the article says, their is a massive sale on at Epic and could potentially get a ton of people get their accounts blocked if they buy a certain number of games. It’s better to warn people about that issue with reporting like this.
i will try. This is not an all-encompassing list, and some of it is bound to change eventually.
Customers shouldn’t be expected to wait for a competitor to “get up to speed” as it ignores all the modern advances of existing encumbents. Horrible, horrible “argument”.
You ok, man?
An F1 driver taking a new, white Japanese sports car around a Japanese track? I feel like I’ve seen that somewhere before...