
Franklin Institute will do a lot of seasonal things and special exhibits - you have to watch for those. Between those events, yeah - it can be a lot of the same.

Fuckin’ epic, dudes !

Apparently they are glued into your ears with melted ear wax.

Soo... you dislodge the wax and instantly inhale it? It seems to me that anytime you’re required to move air move via your lungs, the best practice would be to blow rather than suck.

Sergeant Kup, reporting for duty.

I would give you more than one star if I could.

Yeah, and what a bunch of bastards.

Subaru, with symmetrical all-wheel drive and asymmetrical cup/bottle holders.

It’s called a cup holder, not a bottle holder.

“They showed that I could, so I don’t need to ask myself if I should!”

All the fuss, and no one realizes that the Ford Flex led the way. If you got the 6-seater with the fridge or second row console, you were rewarded with 18+ cupholders for only 6 people - that’s 3 per person.

Now now, prime numbers are never unsatisfying.

There’s something delightful about such a Jalopnik article being concluded with the sentence, “Thank you reading.”

Prime contention for COTD here folks.

I’m still not convinced that Subaru’s designers aren’t simply trolling us, making some commentary about the gluttonous nature of American consumers.

Multiple cupholders per occupant might overdrive bladder capacity and result in more frequent rest stops for those of us who take the occasional long trip.

Have you been around people?

Do people really need the warning to not put open-top cups in the pockets of their doors?

Was going to make some of these same points. Would also like to point out the height of the taillight with relation to the rear bumper.

I was thinking Fox Body Mustang as well.