
I, for one, have had more dead battery situations in my Miata than I’d care to admit. To that end, I installed both a cutoff switch at the battery as well as a set of trickle-charger leads directly to the battery posts. The NA Miata is notorious for some kind of parasitic drain, even when the car is completely

Nah, you’d need about 400k in a savings account to get $15 a month. Credit Cards are definitely the way to go for spending.

Apparently, “millennial” is a stereotype of people who do not have the income or discipline to pay their credit card bill in full every month. There is no other reason not to use a credit card for purchases. The only reason I own a debit card is because it doubles as my ATM card.

I mean, if you were picky about coffee, then you probably still wouldn’t get Starbucks.

Technically, yes, but the millennial generation has some very distinct subgroups that should really be split into separate categories. If you’re over 30, then your one of the good ones.

I could see these assholes shutting it down and not authorizing back pay this time. Fortunately for the employees, you are eligible for unemployment benefits if you are furloughed. The reason most didn’t sign up for it in 2013 is they pretty much knew they’d get back pay. If you do get back pay, you have to pay back

I think this is more for people who don’t know how to manage money.

I have the CITI card, which pays 1% on every purchase and 1% when you pay it back.

I get as little as $15 to as much as $45 per month back.

That’s more than I’d ever see in a savings account, and without doing math I’m assuming I’d have to have at least

Personally, I use

There is no argument on this planet that can convince me not to use my credit card to buy stuff. I pay it off is more secure and has rewards. why would I ever jeopardize my checking account and not get “free money”??? 70% millennials prefer debit cards? I am 31 does that make me one of these morons?

My guess is the PT driver wasn’t paying attention to the road conditions beyond the one car other car on the road, subconsciously relying on everybody else to identify hazards for them. People seem to do that all the time.

You don’t get the idea that torch is snooty? New here?

He was surprised to see water where it should have been Allroad.

If red traffic lights are any indication, I would say a great many drivers just do what the driver in front of them did.

That gate was coming down so slowly, just B8ing him to try to make it through.

And, that dismisses my other theory it was just a well-timed transmission failure. Although, that can’t be ruled out.

And by well maintained, I mean it has one working brake and more than three tires inflated at the same time.

Don’t worry he’s Quattro this one.

Yeah, whenever I dump yellow water on a fire, it flares up!

Audi he think he was gonna clear that?