
And yet, many places now have signs up saying they take bitcoin. A currency is entirely dependent on whether people take it as such. If you invent a currency tomorrow and convince at least one other person to take it in return for goods or services, it’s money. If you can convince someone to change your currency for a

The guy caught with the car that ran out of juice was charged with battery.

You had to bring up the elephant in the Electric Tower room…

Are the stolen Teslas now called Edisons?

These simulators are so good that the session ended after five minutes when it blew up.

This article was sponsored by cats, wasn’t it?

The ambulance took the hit pretty well, but everyone inside got knocked around pretty severely from the look of it. Good thing they were headed to a hospital already.

Almost every accident I’ve driven past has had at least one involved. Only police cars look to be more accident prone.

Kudos to the EMT dummy who grabs hold of the patient’s arm to comfort and reassure him.

Isn’t it also true, then, that the ambulance did a pretty poor job in dissipating that energy, creating higher accelerations to the occupants of both vehicles? Not that vehicles are generally designed to crumple on a side impact, since that’s generally where they’re extremely weak. But I don’t think that this video

Good thing they were all wearing their seat belts.

It does look bad, but luckily there’s an ambulance right there...

It is. That ambulance is made of cantdentium.

That lead GIF is now the featured exhibit at the Blue Balls Hall of Fame.

I disagree, my mother in law prepares some top notch stuffing, been thinking about it since midnight Nov 1st...

I just insulted everyone’s Big Momma for no reason.

My palate is living proof that this is false.

There’s a lot of ways you can describe turkey, but I’m pretty sure “greasy” is the exact opposite of those ways.

My mom make cornbread dressing and taught me how to make it. That shit is life. I mean, you shouldn’t eat it all the time.

I LOVE stuffing. Its my substitute for that greasy fucking bird y’all go goofy over.