If this occurred anywhere but Macau, I’d be surprised. However, since this is Macau, I just laugh. Maybe it’s best to keep under the speed limit at all times, that way you don’t careen into random objects/walls/cars.
If this occurred anywhere but Macau, I’d be surprised. However, since this is Macau, I just laugh. Maybe it’s best to keep under the speed limit at all times, that way you don’t careen into random objects/walls/cars.
Did you even flip the image because it’s a reflection? You sir are an artist.
The dedication of those flaggers, even after it’s quite clear everyone knows there’s no race on anymore.
Most of Monaco does too.
You have to admire the optimism of the first responder with the floor jack.
casinos, casinos and casinos.
Motorists are always pissed off when you pass them, yet they are the first to pass you, shoulder or not, without a second thought. I wouldn’t wait for them because they aren’t going to wait for you
Should I be be giving a little wave or nod to fellow cyclists? It seems when I do, most “roadies” are not to receptive. I ride a Surly LHT for all my biking needs & adventures.
At what degree below zero is it OK to give up your commute via bike?
Thanks for saving me the trouble of reading his blog. If he’s against helmet laws, he’s not the cycling proponent I want out there.
What is the definition of status anxiety.
Very much this. Also, strobe makes it very hard to gauge speed and steering direction of oncoming bikers. I have this problem while sharing the path as both a runner and fellow cyclist. Let’s agree on strobe with cars, while solid on the path?
I agree. If I’m on streets with car traffic, my strobes stand out more than a single solid light. But I’ll use the solid lights when on a bike path.
I personally prefer solid lights, front and back, day and night. Honestly having any lights at all puts you at a great advantage. It’s insane how many people I see riding at night without lights.
any recommendations for cold weather bike gear for big ‘n tall motherfuckers like myself.
I mean, do those tights come in fat fuck sizes?
How many (well-locked) bikes do I need to have stolen before I have a good excuse to not bike?
How do you get people to stop trolling bike articles?
The rescue squads are supposed to be trained in the different methods required. At least that’s the kind of thing they’re supposed to be doing in all the time between fires.
I found it revolting.