
Sooooo the lesson is to drive the speed limit and always check your tire condition/pressure. Got it, mom.

That’s a great way of getting fined in PA

run the car down the road at the highest safest possible speed to get the remaining 1-2 feet off the car

Why do you need such a large toothbrush in the winter, yankee?

Now it’s a Huracan’t.

Little known fact: Lamborghini means “rich guy’s mustang” in Italian.

As a GEICO customer, I approve of this article.

Football is America’s most popular sport and people love watching hockey fights. How the fuck is this surprising to you.

For one, your view ahead is of your car’s hood—not of anything else.

If your wheelie lasts longer than 90 degrees, consult a doctor.

Yokels gonna yokel.

And everyone just started cheering more while his car was rolling over. He landed hard, and no one had any idea if he was okay or seriously injured or worse. And they kept on cheering, even whistling and whooping.

Another handy tip for avoiding Nazis on Twitter: don’t use Twitter.

“The answer, according to the Seebachans’ lawyer Todd Tracy, can be explained by the concept of shear panels, which, like shear walls on a house, act to stabilize the structure from deformation:”

One really simple example of the whole shear stabilizing panels concept are the chintzy looking cardboard.fiberboard panels they include in furniture kits (typically for covering the majority of the back panel on a dresser). Without this panel installed the entire structure is weak and unstable, with the panel

The “grooved” tires you see on Massa’s fezza, were the slick tires of the era. They weren’t the intermediate rain/wet tires. The grooves were required by FIA regulations in order to reduce the amount of traction contact patch of the tires.

Here’s a couple photos of mine, I’ve had the tyre for over 8 or so years when a family member saved it from being melted down in the kiln along with hundreds of other unused tyres that F1 teams were getting rid off.

Then I got ahold of the wheel a year ago which is from the 2008 Minardi car which again is a RR which

Slicks vs grooved tires no doubt helps too - the new car has grip that the old car simply can’t attain.


Really? I had no idea.