
I took the test and I got this

Yep it’s called ‘the retarded 1% ruining it for the other 99%’.

Have you hit anyone recently?

I absolutely hate every single person in a mustang, and I own one. Because of these fucktards all I hear is “have you hit anyone recently?” “Oh no you better stay away from Cars and Coffee”. We get it, the mustang is the American Civic, cheap enough for anyone to get into and find out you can’t control 420hp

Notice the smart Jalopnik Readers- standing and filming behind the Mustang.

So you know the dude personally then? I only ask because of all the things you’re assuming that weren’t in the article.

It is a requirement to demand SD cards when demanding removable batteries. Or have you missed every conversation about how horrible it is that a phone lacks either or both of those things?

You fail at this for not mentioning the need for SD cards to extend the memory. Slacker.

Overwhelming popularity? I’ve never even heard of a company called Fridigaire. Sounds like a cheap knockoff of Frigidaire.

Speaking as someone who lives in Alabama, “ya’ll” is singular and “all ya’ll” is plural. Get it right.

I bought a Porsche with zero paper service records. ZERO RECORDS. Not even a damn Jiffy Lube window sticker.

The Tavarish seal of approval. Now I know that I’ve screwed myself.

Away with you and your logic.

Ya done goofed*

Considering you can get a 99-01 with 85k miles on it, no paint issues and services records... for $15k, I don’t think anything was stolen.

I mean good god there was like a 3 car length gap. If the BMW driver had used his eyes, brain and right foot, he had plenty of room to get in without delaying anyone. He was just being a fat lazy bastard who wasn’t paying proper attention.

The moment you stop the car to block another one and get out it becomes assault.

What’s the difference between an i8 driver and a porcupine?

Normally I agree that both people share some fault, and yes the situation could have been “avoided” if the camera car simply let him in... so I guess I do agree, but considering how many things the i8 driver was doing wrong, I’d have been tempted to do the same thing (except actually let him hit me.) The i8 driver did

Now that’s my kind of guy! Why? Because he eats Cheerios.