
Trying again...

You gotta learn to drive with the fear. And there ain’t nothing more god damned frightening than driving with a live falcon in the car, Ricky Bobby.

She’s allergic to falcons.

Isn’t this Kristen territory?

Wouldn’t be the first time....

I dig it. Too bad they never offered it with a stick. Big ol’ V8, actually pretty nice interior, RWD? Would make a neat enthusiast sedan (that ever coveted market)

I agree, I think this is actually a pretty handsome car when it’s not all blinged out. With the flares and those wheels but also the sort of simple aesthetics, this looks a bit badass and a bit refined. It works nicely.

Mm. Cool.

Couldn’t be a Middle East model.

TIL: Flights in the Netherlands aren’t just taxiing aircraft around the country’s roads. They actually have enough space to get up to speed.

Meanwhile in America, 70 years old wannabe-King/despot pretends to know how to drive a big rig in front of as many cameras as possible.

It’s fancy again.

I’m so relieved we finally solved our drugs, terrorism and human trafficking problems so that law enforcement can focus on the things that really matter.

JDM Roadkill—that’s good.

They should just change their name to Jeep-Hemi-Challenger

Who peed on your dentures, gramps?

This is my kind of car guy. He is like JDM Roadkill.