
Have you checked out Engineered Automotive’s Cars and Coffee yet? It’s been running for around 10 years now, and seems to be a more reasonable get together.

Unironically, I actually really like this.

I physically turn off the radio every time that starts.

So everything there is true except maybe the devil horns?

Perfectly worded, I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Don’t get me wrong, I love big wings like that, but its wing sits too far in for the look. And thanks, I never knew who made those wings.

I think the only way it could look better would be by changing the god-awful wing on the back. The rest of the lines pass as a decent looking car, but they could have at least given the uprights and endplates of the wing some relevant shape, or even used a Huayra BC style part instead.

That’s amazing. I’ve never actually seen it oxidized. I figured they probably just clear coated the copper after showing it everywhere.

Would you happen to know what issue (or month and year?)

I always think of the F1 whenever I see the Project One.


Never have more true words been said.

Because just past that chain link is riot police and also a large set of truck tires. Something tells me if they are using this then they probably won’t politely tell you to leave.

John Wayne’s not dead, he’s frozen.

They really missed out on calling it the Rolls-Royce Warthog.

Submarines work totally fine underwater

You must buy Chrysler, Fiat, Dodge, etc. products of value greater than or equal to the Ferrari you wish to buy before buying said Ferrari.

1st prize is a Corvair. 2nd prize is a pack of steak knives.

“We failed two years ago, and there’s no power steering, but I’m going to send it.”