
I do love when people say drinking milk as an adult isn’t natural because other animals don’t do it.

Soy products also contain an assload of estrogens and can do fun things like help a guy grow breasts and not be able to get a boner.

Pfft... Mankind has enjoyed delicious and wholesome animal milks since he learned to tie a goat to a tree. Across all cultures, all geographic areas and all epochs... There’s nothing wrong with drinking animal milks, or churning it to make creamy butters, or fermenting it into toothsome cheeses.

Just the tank? When I try to cover the grill with our duvet it’s usually a sleep-on-the-couch night.. worth it..

Ok this is just amazing. Humans are great. We can take such a worthless animal that just sits there and eats grass all day and turn it into such wonderful things.

“Leather is one of the worst possible materials to use.

I usually reply that I want it to flinch when I poke it with a fork.

Me too.. when it gets cold enough to freeze your nipples off up here in Canuckistan, even at -20C (not sure what that is in Freedom Temp Units), I still grill 2-3 times a week year round. Unless it hit lower than -25, cuz then the grill just won’t hit proper searing temp.

I had some very yummy parts grilling on the bbq a couple of hours ago.. not too long though; when someone asks me how I like my steaks I tend to say “still moo-ing”

My favorites are the yummy parts! Mmmmmmm…

“It’s better for you, and doesn’t taste of cow’s tit.”

Sorry dude, I was with you until you got to milk. I flippin LOVE milk. From a cow, not from a soybean. And, I also love steak, and anything else that will go in my offset smoker. I am not anti vegan or anti vegetarian, but for some of us, there is no substitute for the real thing!

Well, one; Animals are raised for this this shit. It’s not like they’re wild. They even make sure to not be surrounded in a barbed-wire fence so there’s no holes in the leather!

They figured it out.

Japanese haven’t figured out how to eat it.

you should probably check out more of Ms. Lee ESQ’s posts before you comment... go ahead, we’ll wait.

How is jellyfish anything considered vegan is my question.

I mean, it was the engineers driving it, so they kinda did build it themselves.

Sure, now try it in a real ZR2.