
Nobody cars what Automotive News has to say, anyway.

With that ferry in the Canaries impersonating a Mustang, at least a Ferrari emblem means the most you need to worry about is the fire drill!

We 0.0001% need not hear about the pitiful tax planning of the mere 1%.

If you’re getting a tax refund, you need to fire your accountant immediately. You should be gaining a return on that investment, not giving it away interest-free to Uncle Sam. That kind of piss-poor money management is exactly why you couldn’t afford the Bugatti yacht.

—you can’t take it with you.

What a great way to get back at Bugatti for making that Chiron yacht too expensive for you to afford

LOL Well, you weren’t the person I was talking about (so I guess there are at least two of y’all), but good to know. Do you LIVE in Tennessee now?


The title makes me think of that video of the people trying to load a Civic into the back of a truck. “WHY DID YOU TURN”

In anticipation/response to all of the comments bemoaning the advantages available to greedy fat cats but out of reach to the rest of us: it only costs $70 to form a Montana LLC. The state helpfully provides the one form you need to fill out. The reason that most of the people who do this are rich is because they have

Minimizing tax exposure is a fact of life for people that can afford $250k sports cars. They sure didn’t get rich by maximizing their tax exposure.

There is a certain commenter on Jalopnik/Oppo that WILL REMAIN NAMELESS that has a 918. I’d love to know if his car has a Montana license plate on it.

That’s why it’s just a 1% tax. They’re just trying to undercut the other states. That will still save the P1 owner near me over $90,000 in taxes.

Really? You’ve done the analysis? You’ve run the numbers? You’ve determined that the proposed tax increase plus the cost of legal fees is now greater than registering the vehicle in one’s home state for every single one of these hundreds of cars?

And a tax break.

I am so mad. I demanded a full 30 count of Tahitian pearls dissolved into my vinegar gastrique. It really feels like it’s more like 23 or 26.

Convert it into a submarine, they’ll never know.

The rich have no need for your fancy barge:

I hear that this is actually the biggest and best ship at Port Royal: