Other than endless amusement, did it make any difference?
Other than endless amusement, did it make any difference?
Prolly nah.
I agree. It’s also super lazy. Why not write about why black lives matter or why the BLM movement is important. A hashtag means nothing and it means even less if you just repeat it 100 times with no context.
I’m guessing English is not his native tongue. All his comments read this way. Some days I enjoy trying to decipher them, other days I already have a headache.
No, I think Ludicrous brings a lot to the series actually...
This feels really icky and exploitative regardless of his other work. Sorry. And, there is really no way to tell if it was this or something else on the application that got him accepted, and it’s many times more likely that it was something else.
Oooooo, I’ve got more trivia! (Since they’ve destroyed so many 2nd gen Chargers, now why would I know this....)
“Fast And Furious Bullshit” is the next film in the series, where the crew is illegally smuggling corn-fed beef from Iowa to Pebble Beach to be sold as grass-fed using insanely modified farm equipment.
Whoa whoa whoa, have we found a car that even the Martini livery cannot help?
Tokyo Drift was the best.
Wasn’t me or my car, but a I had friend in high school with a Ford Probe who would swap out the shift knob with something different every month. Golf club shafts, baseball bats, pool balls, etc. The best was the entire front handle of a Razor Scooter. It was so tall, when he shifted to third he punched his rearview…
How is this dumb? This is hilarious.
I’d stick a modern day Hemi in it and make a Daimler Chrysler that doesn’t suck.
Incorrect. what we need is an opposed piston X-16 engine. 32 pistons in all their glory.
Build it build it build it build it.