
Poured a bottle of Grey Goose and a 4 pack of Redbull into a pitcher at a small get together one night. When I got to the last pour, I asked if anyone wanted the last one. Everyone looked at me funny and said I was the only one drinking it. Let’s just say I woke up with my head actually inside a toilet bowl. Now it’s

It’s like Popeye got hit with a stun gun.

This needs to be on a t-shirt.

Enjoyed the article - many laughs.

Surprise it took this long to disprove that conspiracy theory beyond a shadow of a doubt. 9/11 theories were running rampant, and not even Popular Mechanic wrote a convincing article to completely disprove it.

That’s an eerily similar view to the one I had 17 years ago driving past the Worcester Cold Storage fire. That one wasn’t under, but beside the raised highway. I could also feel the heat coming off of everything. It didn’t collapse any of the road but managed to kill firemen. Loss of roadway is a much more desirable

I - 85 was an inside job!

And the 7-11 across the street collapsed and it wasn’t even hit by anything!!

I was on the connector that was running alongside I-85 at around 6:20pm today so I got a good ole firsthand look at the fire. I could actually feel the heat inside my car from this thing.

Although it looked like the gap in the roadway could be a nightmare for commuters, Atlanta civic leaders will deploy a dedicated MARTA line for the afflicted roadway to allow the commute to continue without a service interruption:

Bullshit. That’s thermite for sure.

False Flag, government is trying to force us to walk or use public transit.

Order an Aston Martin at Galpin and your car is revealed behind a vault door. This is after going through a “secret” doorway that takes you into the private Aston Martin lounge.

You are all missing the point - Aluminum has a melting point of ~1200 degrees, so of course you want this guy to be wearing a short sleeved shirt or else he’d be too hot. Duh.

Here, try this:

I had pneumonia, BUT I’M BACK! SORTA!

“What PPE should I wear for this job?”

Well, look who’s back! I was starting to think you got trapped underneath your Yugo or something.