No Roads Adventure

Well it did stop the racing, so mission accomplished?

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

Yeah, but people like me are vastly outnumbered on the road. I’d go as far as to say the majority of people have no business being behind the wheel, but in most of the country, these people don’t have much of an option.

Some how Lamborghini is the sensible company in this example.

Buses are great, but, I just had to drive my friend to a job interview a couple of towns over because A)her car is in the shop and B) there are no buses that go between the towns. And that’s pretty common where I’m at.

Heh, well I guess I can’t change you, but I find it interesting that just like Amish have decided that the 17th century level of technology is the best level of technology, you seem to feel the same way about the 1960s.

Oh, I’m not interested in taking away cars from proper drivers and enthusiasts, but if punishment means all or none, I’m voting all.

Maybe explain why you think she’s wrong? IMO fully automated cars are the only logical next step in automobiles.

I look forward to automation. People cannot drive in this country. Driver education is designed for children, testing is minimal and is taken ONCE, even if you get in bad accidents every few years. Punishment is metered to the opinion that driving is a necessity of life and permissions cannot be taken away.

The bus doesn’t go where you want it to go, when you want it to, if there is even a bus in the first place.

I’d argue that we fly because its far more convenient than driving across country or taking a ship across the ocean.

No system is full proof. But it appears autopilot is safer than the average human.


Marlins and the like are *not* built for MTB trails. If you break it trail riding, the manufacturer won't honor the warranty. Cheapest "real" MTBs will run in the ~$700 range for a hard-tail, and I think you'd have a hard time finding a mainstream brand full suspension bike for under ~$1200.

And Trump possesses neither training, nor experience!

Avoiding meaningless“work” is not being lazy!

Yes but, strangely, no one can hear you racing alone if you happen to be in the middle of a forest.

Yep, lucky it wasn’t a Mustang or the film crew would be dead.

He was clearly a pound, pound and a half, off on the tire pressure on one side.

Celebrating the illegal civil forfeiture of 17 exotic cars I’ll bet.