
Good. Now I need places like Claremont, San Dimas, Glendora, Yucapia and parts of Riverside to follow suit because they were and still are very racist.

I grew up in Eagle Rock, an LA neighborhood next between Glendale and Pasadena (before Northeast LA got gentrified) and spent a majority of time in Glendale (the mall was there and my first teen job and college job was in Glendale). One thing I can say is Glendale PD sure had alot of time to waste because that’s the

Oh please. They are still a sundown, if not a SUNUP town. Too many stories about us minding our own business, trying to get somewhere in Glendale (like a JOB) and having people give us the “are you lost” look of disdain or the cop who rolls up with the proverbial “you fit the description” bullshit. Go ahead and be

Even now, the best that Jezebel can do is deliver snide, passive-aggressive “praise”. He “did what he needed to do” says it all.

everyone on jezebel is fat

THANK YOU!! So frustrating that with the “body positivity” push, it’s only inclusive for people that are positive about their overweight bodies. :(

These pressures are both cultural and discriminatory, in a society where thinness and whiteness both remain the dominant aesthetic.”

but she didn’t turn into “just another skinny body.” She’s still Adele.  Maybe she (probably rightly) came to the conclusion that she would be healthier if she made healthier choices, and she proceeded to make them, armed with lots of money, professional guidance, and possibly being in a better mental space than she

Yep, if its one thing the past 4 years have taught us, its that both parties are the same.

I guess this post is a bit of a Rorschach test because my takeaway wasn’t “I am glad this is happening but wish it were happier for me” so much as “i am not happy with the selection or process but feel obligated to begrudgingly support Kamala due to her ethnicity and college ties”. IOW i feel like the disappointment

With every horrendous thing Trump has inflicted on this country, is it really too much to fucking ask not to help get him reelected. Can you stfu until the election over and not play right into the right-wings’ hands and sabotage our only hope for this nightmare to stop? Thanks.

This is the third wishy washy post in a row about Kamela from Jezebel. Seriously WTF?

“ lack of enthusiasm was the only thing strange around here...”

On the contrary, I fully understand colorism, as I am also mixed, and have roughly the same complexion as Harris. I know that my life would be drastically different if I had more melanin than I currently do. Colorism is a construct and a device used to divide and conquer people of color, but at the end of the day—to a

This is petty of me I know, but how can you get irritated that Kamala Harris is mentioned in the same breath as Harriet Tubman but not Shirley Chisolm or Barbara Jordan? It’s not like they risked life and limb to liberate enslaved people either. I’m not trying to hate on them.  They’ve both done amazing things and we

I read a take somewhere about how young hipster leftists in Brooklyn are still mad that their mom used to tell them what to do so hate any politics that engages suburban women. (#Resistence, Wine Moms, etc).

What I legitimately do not get is that nearly all of the criticisms of Kamala Harris are based on her past as a prosecutor and all of the concerns, critiques, memes, rage-Tweets and so on are based on that history (which was mixed, she did some bad things and some good things as well), but the Biden/Harris criminal

WELP. That was a longish thinkpiece to circle around trying to rationalize not being thrilled by Harris, simply because she does not meet your Blackness and wokeness purity test. This does not surprise me at all, but I am vastly disappointed nonetheless. I am NOT sorry she is not as melanated as you want her to be.

This is one of the better articles I’ve seen on people’s mixed feelings on supporting Kamala, but it still feel misses the mark in some regards. I think for some having mixed feelings for Kamala makes sense and I’m not going to try to say that someone shouldn’t have a mixed or negative opinion about her in a

Excited for your next post: “Why I’m Not Voting”