
Not sure when you lived in Glendale but its Armenian population has always been big (I went to high school there and grew up in East Hollywood). It’s also the only part of LA that I was racially profiled (at the galleria when I was a teen) and the only part of LA that a group of Armenians yelled out the n-word at my

May I ask what kind of digestive issues you had that led you to get the colonoscopy? And can you share what the digestive issues ended up being?

she’s one of those delusional bernie peeps

yeah, or that it’s a “whiteness” thing. being a healthy weight is a HEALTH thing. when i work out, count calories, whatever, it’s to feel good. the only people i’ve seen do this shit for “thinness” are typically people who use fitness as a temporary fad or do extreme weight loss diets for 6-12mos and then get pissed

reducing someone to a body, fat or not, is weird. she had been gradually losing weight for a long time and good for her. it was never about you.

she’s mad because all she’ll ever be is a glorified blogger

jezebel wasn’t ever about shit. this “writer” is a known contrarian who thrives off having a white boo that she begged to date. 

she ain’t shit. 

i’m sure she didn’t vote four years ago

she’s a 20-something dweeb who once bragged on twitter that she practically had to beg her white boyfriend to be with her. most of her thinkpieces are wack

lmfao what the fuck?

so fucking annoying and disappointing. 


it’s just so incredibly stupid to make it into a whole thinkpiece that implies that this dude was racist or insensitive in some way. makes me wonder what some of these writers are *really* trying to do here

this nitpicking on one comment is so irritating in this piece

i immediately felt he was talking about the fact that latinos are more diverse in their political views which makes them a different type of voting group - which is accurate. does this really need to be a thing

yeah we’re definitely not a monolith. 

i blame the united states for putting latinos in a single group based on a shared language from the jump. we are a complicated, diverse people with lots of problems within our countries and communities. there is no solution.

i imagine you’re still in your mid-20s at the very oldest if you think britney spears received any grace or empathy when she was going through shit. unlike you, the rest of us remember how the media and public treated her and it was fucking awful. to top it off, she wasn’t even an asshole. she was always kind but was j

money will always speak louder than anything else. kanye sounds like many of the homeless men and women i see on the streets having conversations/arguments with themselves but nobody gives a shit about them. but this dude? he gets a platform and FANS? this world is a fucking circus