
I can never watch that part because it literally hurts my heart.

Not nearly enough stars.

I love DListed but they’re the worst about her. I seriously don’t get the nasty snark. Someone said she looked bloated, another said she was soooo unfunny...someone called her ugly, bland, basic. It really does sound like envy.

It’s like celebs just can’t win with some people. Look at this girl. She’s funny, sweet, not rude, down to earth, a great actress, pretty and doesn’t really take herself seriously. WTF could you find that’s so awful? lol like, are you mad because she’s five steps ahead of the game and will probably keep making great

Wow! That was fast!!

And even your sense of humor gets criticized as “fake”! Gosh it sounds exhausting. She seems like she has a good head on her shoulders. I hope she stays true.

I still can’t understand the hate on this gal. Not here on Jezebel, but I frequent another site that constantly harps on her. When she spoke out against the wage inequality, they made fun of her and called bullshit. When she trips and falls, they call it fake. When she’s naturally sarcastic in interviews, they say she


Things I loved:

Pretty gal but AWFUL tattoos!

I love my freckles. No surprise others want them, too!

uggghh!! *barf*


this was actually fucking brilliant.

R Kelly still gets interviewed, he still does concerts with tons of fans, and he’s not in prison. How is he getting it worse?

I mean, marrying 14/15 year old Aaliyah should have been the first and last hint, right?

It was definitely on tape. It was clearly him and he denied it was him.

I never listened to his music again after all that shit came out years ago. Fuck him.

The eyes. Definitely.

Yeah her body type and super young face don’t help at all. The faces she makes and poses she’s in look so disturbing to me. In these pictures, she looks like a 12 year old being forced to pose by a dirty pervert. It’s not sexy or sexual or avant garde at all. Ugh. Bleh.