Hot Takes Salesman

I hope Cadillac sells a billion XT4's so I don’t have to see these ugly fuckers.

0-62 mph times and top speeds aren’t relevant here though

I saw one at a real airshow and from 300 feet above your head the thing sounds wonderful.

Maybe they should just let the whole tradition of a Star Wars franchise die and find some other cash cow to ruin.

I saw the New Yorker cartoonist episode and thought it was alright, but there’s an episode of THE GILLES? must watch

God dammit, we were already a fan of the guy.

the House of Rolls-Royce

No actual conservative is in favor of sexual harassment.

A GT4 car, maybe. That wing’s too small for GT3. Or Toyota’s pulling the “we’re gonna make a concept racer to generate press from the most juvenile of the auto press, while making you wait even longer for the Supra” trick.

getting to 60 MPH in 16.3 tedious seconds.

So if you don’t like new music as a teenager, does that make you weird or just a douche?

11. Military.

OK, so make the vast majority of randoms get mostly-silent electric cars and let us Jalops (a sad and weird minority) have our stupid noisy engines.

Holy shit, I think we’re all obligated to root for Philly against the Pats Death Star.

crossed with this...

Well that made my day. This little car-truck-masterpiece-whateveryouwannacallit is a work of art.

Wayyyyy better. I love everything they’ve ever written about Mattis.


The SR-72 may be the purest reflection yet of the Pentagon’s obsession with high cost projects that are focused on an increasingly tightening technological timeframe and a strategically obscure operational benefit