I didn’t know there was Jedi Knights in China
I didn’t know there was Jedi Knights in China
Please Jason, please make a live action video of this and put it on the Jalopnik Youtube channel, starring Matt Hardigree, as...
That is as much an Isetta as an Audi A6 is an R18 ultra
I can't Mustang my way into finding a way to say GT
Somebody photoshop in “Thug Lyfe” and some sunglasses on that kid there
Wait a minute, “soundproof cotton?” We’ll see how that fares on the uh, flammability scale
“A ha! I zhink ve have it! Vhy don’t ve take ze thing that enthusiast actually want and replace it vith a douche-bag-mobile! Vhat’s that, you say? Morals, principle? HAHAHAHAHAHAH MONEYMONEYMONEY”
K fam
That he didn’t list it for $420 or at least $4200 disappoints me
Somebody photoshop J.J. Abrams onto an M1 Abrams main battle tank, please
Research your subject before you make a comment
I believe in most parts of the world Blancpain translates to “I have more money to spend on watches than you. Get put of the way, filthy peasant”
I’m sorry, I think you mean BURRITO MASTER RACE
Heyyyyyyeyeyeyeye stingrays
It’s just a phase. Soon they’ll care about video games way more than learning about nature. Who goes outside anymore, anyway?
In a real war, I guarantee you Gripen pilots would be killing shit day one
Unless we pay for Faraday Premium™ for $9999999999 a month*
“actual, credible, massively funded competitors, unlike WEC and WRC”
Umm, highest number of competitors? A what, 16, 18 car grid?!