“my heart still hasn’t stopped beating.”
“my heart still hasn’t stopped beating.”
This is exactly what George Sr tries to do on Arrested Development while hiding in the attic.
Jesus christ, you should not have kids. I don’t understand this boomer attitude of, “my kid should suffer hardships worst than I” attitude you all seem to have.
Watching, reading, listening, researching, studying.... something doesn’t mean you support it.
Gotta look manly bruh. Let everyone know tough you are. Gotta look like you’re in the military, but without any of the risk of actually joining, bruh.
I look forward to you buying these for me.
It’s dishonest because you have no interest in hearing anyone’s answer. Which is pretty obvious by all of your replies.
Performing a racist act or making a racist statement is an act of racism, regardless of intent.
The way he hit yeah, head, neck, and spine could all well have issues. But none of that matters if he isn't breathing. At least get in there and make sure he's breathing.
Pretty sure the idea was they’ve had it for a long time.
Does anyone ever mention Chiefs fans doing this at the beginning of every game? It’s usually broadcast by whoever has their games and no one seems to care.
Who let their uncle use the internet?
Huh, I wonder how they managed to get that healthcare that’s better than* yours....
Taking away healthcare to those who depend on it to continue living is valid to you. That doesn’t make you a realist, that makes you trash.
“3. Negotiations are a struggle over will. Depleting the other side’s resources is a valid tactic.”
Hey those kids with cancer or CF or diabetes who depend medication to survive have to learn a lesson!
I will never understand people supporting corporations over their fellow humans. Or wishing ill towards their fellow humans.
“You know when you think about it, it’s the anti-fascist that are the real fascist.”
Getting hit by a car was robbed.
I’m shocked that an old white dude from the South would have such an opinion.