Norm Charlatan

God I wish I had such a quality brand. If I could just wake up every single day and speak with a strong brand voice I would finally be happy. If my image matched my calculated and strategic brand voice and identity, my father might finally understand my brand messaging and convert, completely, to MY brand. I would

The Walt Whitman Bridge seems like the ideal place to be caught with a few leaves of grass.

I always Felt he may have been involved in something like that.

Good thing he had that camera set up to catch any burglar who happened to bend over the foot of his bed.

I did not vonnegut owned here.

Probably because he’s tight with the Keepin’ it 1600 guys and those guys are very much Democrats in the mold of “Wasn’t it great when Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neil would have drinks after passing bills?”.

Late to the party; Japan’s been making this joke for centuries.

The pipe is one of my favorite characters on the keyboard and I’m in a total state of distress over the way in which he’s using it.

I bet that actually explains the handwriting. They prepared a typed one that read “Rudy Giuliani” and he said, “nah. It’s ‘mayor’ or you’re going to have to find some other failed hack to deliver hot-takes in the voice of Elmer Fudd.”

We need to get our fancy doggie a collar.

I’m sure running around a soccer pitch for 90 minutes will provide the demons with plenty of exercise.

But if it was a quarter of an inch the other way, it would’ve missed completely.

Indeed. His position is hardly original.

The karma that is falling on Ken Starr is a beautiful thing to behold.

Lana Clarkson?