Norm Charlatan

Not being able to properly use technology and highlight truthing. Steve Kerr really is one of us.

Guys. It’s time for some game theory.

This guy is the Hannity to Izzo’s Trump.

Is this about the mouth-kissing?

Absolutely disgusting. Everyone knows you can get parasites from kissing a dog on the mouth.

Needs more Fred Smoot.

There’s no vaccine for affluenza.

Poor Tom, caught between being good and standing on his hind legs for the troops.

He’d be saying “Are you kidding me?!?” The only question is whether the tone would be profound happiness (Diggs) or profound disappointment (every other time).

Are you fucking Sirius, bro?

This isn’t a problem if you never look up from your phone.

Makes sense. Prohibitions on whaling are just another set of burdensome governmental regulations in the crosshairs of the current administration.

Always highlight truthers.

C’mon Drew, no jargon list is complete without academic jargon.

Who would have taken Tim Burke to be a regular Patrick Bateman?

And Dan McQuade just wants everyone to know he’s got a fiancee.

The only way Under Armour knows how to win is ugly.

Oh, I think I saw this episode of Entourage.

To be fair, he only joined the crime ring very recently after it started doing well.

Russell’s prepared, as he’s been carrying the Seahawks offense for years.

Or, they’re just adopting the good ol’ mattress store trick of “We’re going out of business!!” They’ll keep pushing the phase out back each year and everyone will keep buying the merchandise thinking it’s their last shot.