Norm Charlatan

It’s genuinely strange that, despite being fabulously wealthy and one of the most accomplished professional athletes in history, Brady is so proudly and steadfastly committing to his post-football pivot of becoming a literal snake-oil salesman.

My favorite naps are what I call NPR naps. Turn on NPR or a podcast in the early afternoon, lie down in bed, and can almost always manage to wake up feeling fairly well rested, and more informed, after about 25 minutes - no alarm needed.

“There’s no need to break down a kid’s spirit for making a mistake.”

“And Clay Travis is practicing politics

Damn, Tiger really needs to stop ruining his brand immediately after Thanksgiving.

It would be awesome to think that Roger was getting his revenge by telling the officials not to call penalties on Dallas’s opponents. But the idea that Goodell could manage to pull off something that complicated beggars belief.

/Goes back to watching Loose Change on YouTube

And so, what has been a HIGHLY PLEASURABLE two weeks for anyone who loathes Dan Snyder—a hilarious collapse against these Saints, getting run out of their own stadium by fans of MY team—is personally tempered by the fact that I can’t bring myself to lord it over my own kid.


If you can’t afford an open bar, you shouldn’t have a wedding. Also, if you don’t value an open bar, then you don’t value me as a guest.

Another planning strategy that helped minimize costs was to make all decisions about your wedding from the standpoint of your guests. Think about the best weddings the two of you have been to as guests and rack your brains about what made them enjoyable (and conversely the bad weddings terrible). You probably don’t

4 rules for wedding planning: short ceremony, good food, good booze, and good music.

This is why Mike keeps his women in a dark shed in the backyard.

Where the hell are any of the number of Packers owners who have been profiled on the Daily Caller?

Good thing they aren’t paying him.

C’mon man, let’s allow the voters of Alabama to make their decision.

Jesus, the only institution that takes both its role as an arbiter of morality more seriously and applies it more inconsistently is the US Senate.

Not if Tawny has anything to say about it he can’t.

Not to be a haughty dipshit, but the first cemeteries were designed to serve as parks (look, here’s a link to a prestigious magazine to convince you of my erudition). But seriously, why should the dead own the only green space in the city?

Hopefully this isn’t on the tongue.