
You may like his music, but he is, in fact, an imbecile charlatan who jacks the styles of other artists, or so say somes folks who went to college with him with whom I also went to college.

You should read about Black Swan events, because that is precisely how you are rationalizing.

i think it's his persistent misuse of the word "theory" that is irritating a number of people - it makes the rest of his argument sound like he's a young earth creationist

i'd almost prefer that to the idiot mouth-breathing comments people have been making on this article

when this was active, it sorta defined this person:

straight down, as straight as possible.

if it is, it gets buried amidst his extremely reasonable vitriol toward sacroplasmic hypertrophy. having your main argument be "pretty much the point" of the article is not a sign that it was successful.

HamNo, glad to see you're putting that Sc.B in armchair physiology to good use.

hasbo. hasbo is all over the state

RI is hasbro


most likely all designations of identity have a genetic basis - certain genetics predispose you to particular identities, so he is not really glib.

yeah it makes me want to shed my skin

i see, though wiktionary does say it is nonstandard, which makes sense because i've worked with bacteria for years and never heard anyone say "bacteria is."

i still don't think "bacteria is" would be correct. think of other collective nouns - would you ever say "kangaroos is gaining on us"?

the "toxin" thing is just so -___-

i cannot find any literature on individuals who "have had their conditions improve" by specializing their diet - all i can find following this line of logic are individual "testimonials," which do not interest me. additionally, i'm not understanding why would GM crops be more difficult to process than regular ones.

this is done to some degree, but with extreme caution because confirmation bias often leads to illusory correlation. this can fallaciously lead to post hoc ergo propter hoc (A happened, then B happened, so A caused B). if memory serves, there's a whole chapter in freakonomics on this, and this website is pretty great:

1. an absolutely staggering amount. it is a real hot-button issue, so everyone wants to be the first to solve it. the problem is that autism is not one thing, but a spectrum of related neurological disorders (ASDs - autism spectrum diseases). this means it is likely a ton of diseases with similar symptoms rooted in

you cannot assume that, because something is one way in a particular field (no matter how important a field), that something must extend to others. tech is an industry where r&d and marketing are vertically integrated while science is principally academic. while there are biotech companies, most work doesn't "revolve"