
the long goodbye and miller's crossing, not to mention i'm gonna git you sucka

yeah data really has disappeared, huh

this field of study is quite new, but yes, basically all the bacteria that live in/on us have some sort of symbiotic relationship with us, though the precise nature of some of these is opaque.

yes it just speaks to how much we don't understand the downstream molecular consequences of physiological processes.

you asked me to what changes in gene expression and gut flora and i explain it to you, as well as referring you to the two pieces of primary literature from which that explanation was distilled. in my field, directing someone to a paper is considered common courtesy, not dickish (and please don't attribute it to my

maybe not be a crackpot, but certainly a charlatan. babies born vaginally have flora resembling that of their mother's vaginas; c-sections, their mother's skin. the mildly hypoxic perinatal environment helps upregulate UCP2, which regulates/maintains hippocampal development and synaptic plasticity by suppressing

the rise in c-sections is principally attributable to the rise of women in the workplace throughout the 70s who used it as a mode of scheduling their pregnancies around their work. obs were fine with performing it it because it is acutely safer/less traumatic than vaginal delivery. the insurance industry caught up in

i'm not a doctor, i'm a scientist; i really have no idea what you are trying to say because your attack of medicine is a perplexing non-sequitur. medical science is not pure science, nor would it ever attest to be because it preferences diagnostic knowledge over basic, but it is definitely a science. the rise in

trust me, people mistrust science. the same people who are into this woo are anti-gmo, anti-vaccine types, and all that bullshit stems from a mistrust of science, so they are quick to accept any junk science that affirms their mistrust (think kevin trudeau)

not that you asked for a biologist's perspective, but if you are going the digestive issues route, i think it is, in part, due to alterations in the gut flora from the rise in c-section in the past forty years, but also the societal mistrust of real science and the people who do it

again, please read about snp arrays before you make proclamations as to their accuracy. these arrays will occasionally give false positives, but the likelihood is extremely low. showing a specific instance of a false positive given that they have thousands of customers is not that compelling, nor is it statistically

they are trying to maintain their business while they work with the notortiously languid fda to restore the other component.


judging by the fedora in your avatar, it's not too surprising you hold this opinion

i dismissed your comment because it was not only bad, but it was also not good

i'm not sure what point your making, but i'm saying the #notfunny #nerds here joking about drone sentience, which isn't funny because OnStar is responsible for so many deaths

you get that drones are controlled by people, right?

he's a libertarian, don't bother