Normandy Trooper

Necessary? No. Douchy if you don’t? Yup. His opponent did nothing unfair, he extended his hand, it is rude not to shake it. Surprising coming from a culture so obsessed with manners and respect.

Bah! What a load of blather! If you really have it so bad where were all the women’s marches during Obummer’s eight year reign? The only thing these marches have done is reinforce the tired cliche’ of women as being over-reacting harpy’s, getting super emotional and reacting inappropriately . Same country as

Wish I was there so I could have run that kerchief-wearing, sucker punching little pussy down and beat him senseless. I don’t support Nazi’s, neo or otherwise, but if I don’t agree with the message I don’t have to listen. Nothing less sporting and bitch-ass than a sucker punch, other witness’s there should have

You are “functionally identical” to an idiot.

Granted those two shot in the Twitter clip were fine hits but when I watch the clip and the frigging player sees a perfect outline of the opponents through walls and boxes and the earth itself I wonder why it’s considered such hot soup? If he was hiding behind that crate and the back of the crate was all he could see

I have only one thing to say regarding the obligatory Nintendo Switch failure comments: Go pre-order one.

This reasoning is completely flawed. Honestly, Nintendo gains absolutely NOTHING from a shortage of their product. If their stuff is sitting on a store shelf and get’s bought that is the ideal scenario for Ninty. Suggesting anything else flies in the face of logic.

Seeing this grown adult wearing his wookie hoodie playing with his Nerf toy makes me sad. Fighting overwhelming urge to mock and name call.

You “high”. hahahahahahahahahaha! Unless you’re referring to your weed you are a joke. Your hag lost because she’s a lying, criminal, evil witch and no one with firing neurons bought her shtick, and no one, and I mean NO ONE goes “lower” than the Clintons.

As if the news isn’t bad enough you have to bring Trump into it? I can’t even manage to assemble an appropriate tirade of expletives that would do an ignorant pile of monkey shit like you justice and given your post it obviously wouldn’t help anyway. America lives on, you on the other hand are welcome to step off the

If you think for one blessed minute that celebrities of all kinds haven’t grabbed women, and far worse, with the complete complicit acceptance of the star geeked woman then you are simply stupid. You think George Clooney hasn’t had his way, in every way, with eager fans during the course of his career? Fool thou art,

The whole fugging race thing is just simply getting tired if I’m being honest. It seems to me that as a whole folks are doing better by every measurable standard today than at any time in history and what that has bred is a generation of whiny babies who already have it ridiculously good but are absolutely curdling to

Only the pieces of shit at this piece of shit website would have the gall to try and spin a mother caring more for what’s best for her son as a bad thing versus moving into the White House and the “glory” of all that entails. Trump could adopt every single line of Hitlery’s action plan word for word and it would never

All ONE of me?

Chill people Nintendo is outright saying they’ll continue supplying into the new year so a little patience/diligence will be rewarded. The worst part is, and I know this from ambassador experience, the nostalgia factor only lasts about 10 minutes then you’re left with supremely difficult, overly simpified games that

I’d have a lot more faith in the climate change giants if their “solution” didn’t always boil down to a hefty “carbon tax” levied by the UN against working class Americans.

I’m referring to the posters’ ganking Andrew, not you.

Spending your time ganking on lawyers robs this righteous judge of the credit he deserves for exercising common sense and doing the right thing. Glasscock? Steel rod in my book.

I suggest Winter Soldier was right in that golden sweet spot of just enough plot/story and really great action. Caught a couple of minutes on tv the other day and that whole action sequence with Nick Fury in his SUV was really well done. I’d forgotten how cool that was.

Sorry but that’s completely not true. Art Carney died in his sleep in his home in Connecticut in 2003. sent him a fan letter years ago and he sent me back an awesome personalized B&W photo. Fantastically talented man.