Norma Moot

Oh yeah! My mom is a Linda (born in ‘45) and my aunt is a Donna (‘55). I can’t even count how many of my teachers were named Sharon. Also a lot of Donna teachers. And a lot of Donnas in my own class (well, Italian neighborhood). Oh, and Carole, tons of Caroles.

I remember Dusty Rose specifically as an incredibly popular decorating colour in the ‘80s.

The claim that big game hunting funds conservation efforts is largely a myth perpetuated by the big game industry. Something like 2-4% of the money hunters pay goes to conservation or to the local communities. The rest just passes from one rich, blood-thirsty asshole to other rich assholes.

Watch when it becomes a dramady on HBO! Highlights include: the person who offered to bring their own nitrous oxide for their abortion!

Killing leopards and crocodiles in Africa on a guided trip that probably cost upwards of $50,000 (or more) or going to remote parts of Alaska to kill bighorn sheep is very different than the hunting that most of this country participates in.

Eh, I think hunting and fishing are fine (even if it’s not my bag, personally) as long as you’re not hunting fucking endangered species. I don’t have a problem with hunting deer and the like, especially since that can be beneficial for a number of reasons including population control and for food. But you are a piece

If you find this humanizing, you might be an asshole.

I’m surprised the Clinton campaign or even the media hasn’t compared Trump to Kim Jong Un more often. The way in which Trump always lies when boasting about himself is identical to the way North Korea releases stupid stories of Kim Jong Un breaking every sports record, never using the bathroom and finding a Unicorn

That mother-in-law came in hot, downright chomping at the bit to be AWFUL. Love Shannon, hate Shannon to have in laws spewing that kind of vitriol, to perfect strangers and on camera, is damn near unforgivable.

You’re getting the story confused here, because of the inclusion of the Trump’s charity and the charity golf tournament.

I would also like this answer. I could get gas on the way home from work any day, but for some reason I always wait until I'm almost out of gas and then have to get gas on the way home from a party at 1:15 am in the rain in the rickity-est gas station in town while the rains of castomere is playing softly in the

This is the “both sides” thing that is driving many absolutely nuts in this election. We have documented, actual evidence that Trump was using his “charity” for personal gain, using it to pay his own bills. There’s no evidence of Hillary using the Clinton Foundation for personal gain though. The foundation pays the

But, inappropriate use of a charitable foundation for personal gain seems to be the sort of thing both candidates enthusiastically support.

He’ll be completely uninteresting...until he finds another girlfriend and transforms into her. How interesting that ends up being depends who he picks. Now I’m trying to think of who’s single in the ten-years-younger-than-him bracket.

WHAT IF...what if TAYLOR orchestrated their break up to overshadow her own scandals! Makes you think...

Unless Brad left Angie for Taylor.

Nail on the head. They think, “he’ll be OUR swindler,” but that’s so transparently stupid. Trump only makes money for himself and his brood, all others get the bill.

Holy shit. I guess US Weekly was right, all 27 times they published this story.

Do you work for Star? You do now!

Also -- is the press going to harangue Brad for a decade now because of this divorce like they did to Jennifer Aniston?