Ok so...
Ok so...
I thought I was tripping for a minute. Lol. Thank you for your addition.
Noted. However, I am not intimately familiar with religious families of varying races. I just know black religious families because the churches I grew up in were primarily black. It wasn't until I was an adult that I diversified my spiritual experience.
Quintessential religious black family is what I should have typed. And it's that way because it just is. A lot of black people who make Christianity the center of their world don't pass along much else to their children/family members besides scripture and "pray and wait" as a way to deal with any real life issues.
I saw the resemblance to T Swift when the dancers came out...but I feel like if this was a real diss they would have been wearing blond wigs?
What pisses me off is that if she dies, her douchebag brother/husband is going to keep everything. When he's one of the worst influences of her life and a massive hanger-on. He clearly didn't protect her but he will sure be the person who benefits the most if she's gone.
Anyone who thinks this is surprising just hasn't been following Bobbi Kristina on IG. From earlier this month. When she got backlash on her look she posted about how her mom had a fast metabolism, too.
I don't know this situation, but I work with DV survivors and quite often women who are being terrorized in abusive relationships end up losing their kids - sometimes permanently - because they're not able to protect them from abuse. This woman might be a monster, but this could also easily be another case where the…
No, I was only 19 at the time. I just gave them bitchy throughout their entire meal why they apologized over and over again.
One of my friends is really dark-skinned, and went to the beach for the week without really putting sunscreen on. She had the worst sunburn I've ever seen - and I am nearly translucent. People were like, "you're black, you can't get sunburn!" She was like, "uh, please tell my skin that so it stops hurting and peeling…
"Where are you from? No, no, I mean, where are you REALLY from?"
I'm ethnic, too. Ethnically Polish, that is. This is the skin color of my people:
I never, ever try to guess someone's ethnicity or nationality or anything, even if it's clear they want me to. I once met this guy who couldn't understand why I didn't want to guess what country he was from. When he told me he was from Sweden I said "and would you have been upset if I had guessed you were from…
I'm a black woman and I remember a guest asking me if I was born in Africa because my skin was so dark. I told them I just had gotten back from spending seven days in the Florida sun.
LOL holy shit, this is the epitome of cringe-worthy. But it reminds me of how white girls at school would tell me they were going to lay out all summer to get as tan as me (a Mexican.) Then they'd come back pink and orange.
I agree with most of what you say except I have a different outcome. I don't expect anything from Lilo or Kim so when they do bat shit things, like obviously terrible photoshops, I just think, well duh, the sky is blue too. Beyonce, she talks the talk and sometimes walks the walk. But when the walk contradicts the…
I am not down for the crazy Bey worship I see around here, for sure (IMO, she's just as annoying—and possibly more fake—as Gwyneth in her "perfection"). But it's obvious why she gets friendlier treatment in media across the board: Beyonce actually creates and contributes something positive to our culture. KK + LiLo…
What is it you want? Equal opportunity bashing? That's what the comment section is for.
who the f@ck walks/stands like this? Are they about to strike and inject venom into people? If this is your everyday posture for get exercise, go see a doctor.