
I come from a staunch Catholic family, including a cousin currently serving as a priest in the Vatican. My cousin...I will refer to as "Father Bobby" is pretty much the coolest Catholic cat I know. Whenever he is in town from Rome, I travel up to our old neighborhood in Baltimore city, and we have a few beers.

You know what's going to happen now, right? The Vatican is going to be covered in glitter, pink pillows, tampons, tutus, and potpourri now. There's going to be a giant sign that says "NO BOYZ ALLOWED" affixed to the front door with a maxipad.

If radical feminism had really infiltrated your church there would be no women in it. Your beef is with moderate feminism; the one that often seeks reconciliation between feminist ideals and existing institutions by encouraging and advocating for women to take a more active role in them.

The introduction of girl servers also led many boys to abandon altar service.

Eagerly awaiting the leaked email of Cool Pope telling this guy "OMG STFU"

Elsewhere in Hades, cash-starved cyborg Kourtney Kardashian sent her sister Kim a cease and desist letter for using her likeness without permission in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood;

Does anyone else think John Malkovich is really hot and had a strange crush on him when you were in 4th grade and still super want to bone him in Dangerous Liaisons?

i havent. and i don't like austen or either bronte. i also don't like emily dickenson much either.

Is anyone else getting a Hilary Clinton vibe?

Yay now you can be a Kinja Fairy with me!

this whining actually got me followed! I do appreciate all you KFs though. I had to stop myself from hate-replying

Hay! You gotsta give one of us Kinja Fairys time to come down and find you.

You know, one of the most frustrating part of the grays/kinja system is that I am stuck down there, wallowing away with Tuturici who is talking about using abortion as birth control.

He'll turn into an MRA screaming about women who have babies and suddenly want child support from him. ...But then he'll never actually request custody himself. ...and then he'll complain the courts favor women. ...and then he'll get another woman pregnant and she won't want his kid and then he'll scream that men have

"I should have manned up and I should have fought for you," Blandford says. "And I didn't. I didn't. I am so grateful that you are in Heaven with Jesus, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and that you got to see him before I did. And I know you're going to extend me grace, but I just—it would've been so cool to

How cute. I'll think of you during my next abortion ;)

Yup. And you know the minute that kid needs anything more than a birthday card he's gonna be all . . .

I'm not a doctor, but it does sound like good old fashioned Ejaculate Conception

Or man up and jack off.

Good for you.