
sounds like the cross winds got him.


Ass to mouth...

Waze would have been easier.

I'll hit it.

We've all seen Dirty Harry... well, it seems Stem has watched one too many times and decided to make the movie come to life. Heard an audio this morning on the way into work and it sounded more than 5 shots were fired at her; sounded more like he emptied a while clip in 2 seconds on the 93 year old lady.

My uncle had one in his 760 which was strangely star shaped and it came with NOTHING. just a star shaped flare and a prop stand. Good thing he smoked and had a lighter.

One thing overlooked by car makers that remove this cool little gadget is: what the fuck are you going to light the flare with if you don't smoke??? Kinda presumptuous to think their car would never breakdown and a signal flare would never be used. Assholes... (off for a smoke break...)

We're going to need a bigger hose.

I'm fine with that but 6 broken legs... 6 is the magic number where a medi-vac to a vet beats national security.

and here we thought the Chinese was bad at copying... You one upped them Putin. Nothing but golf clap here... Which is a cheap knock-off mockery of the clap itself, like this Mercedes... I mean Eagle thrust hammerhead

I owned 2 Galant VR-4's and a Diamante Wagon. The VR-4's transmissions were made of paper mache. Total sleeper but only if the trans wanted to get into gear. The Diamante Wagon...... god help you with the front ball joint as they are specific to the Wagon. Sure you can press them out but taking it out is another

Darwin was taking a nap when this happened.

Let's see how nicely someone walks away from an accident with a "really nice Civic" vs. a CLA.


a grenade would've worked too.

The US probably does this all the time, we're just not hearing about it.

Does this mean Citroën is going to have a recall?

Hum.... too Puritan for me. I say we do Wu-Tang style, you know, sew his asshole shut and keep feeding him... and feeding him.

I have the sudden urge to test my Road Armor bumper on that kid's face. Who's with me?