
make this happen goddamn it

I feel the same way about sportsball players who score all those points for reasons.

They could do that. I wouldn’t mind a Zelda/Shiek game either! I feel like it would similar to Assassin’s Creed and they could go the Liberation route and have you change identities. Like being able to swap between them on the fly for different situations.

“But that’s part of the problem — nostalgia for optimism isn’t optimism.”

Not for honor

Cap turns away and says, “I remember the first time I really understood what it was to be an American...What it was to be a patriot.”

Live look at his election victory speech

I get what you’re saying, and I agree completely.

Can’t wait for that Dragon Quest VIII remake.

Now I’m definitely not defending this kid. He’s a monster and needs help rehabilitating. However....

What in the fuck was he playing?!? That shit would give me panic attacks. I would have to hotrail a LOT of meth and drink like 60 redbulls to get through one level of that insanity.

This is my reaction, more or less.

The writers might be using Vince Gilligan’s coincidence theory (could be from someone else, but he’s the one I heard it from).

I preferred the British original, Cougarton Abby.

That sounds so f#$%ing great. I had an idea like that with mermaids, where a whole bunch of them get to apply for jobs every summer, like lifeguarding and assisting deep-sea divers and such. And they would just be treated as any group of foreign folks who are working State-side temporarily, like in real life. Fairies

but a miniseries based on the Kamala Khan incarnation of Ms. Marvel.

Already done that weird planet trilogy, think it was season 3, I quite enjoyed that one.

Holy crap, Daredevil was amazing. The first two episodes alone were better than all but like four of the movies! Can not WAIT for season two... I just hope the other Netflix series can live up to what DD has already accomplished.

I read every single book as a young kid. It helped through the very awkward years of puberty - I developed super early and actually got made fun of for being tall and having boobs. Seriously. It was nice being in a different world where I was accepted