I feel the same way about sportsball players who score all those points for reasons.
I feel the same way about sportsball players who score all those points for reasons.
They could do that. I wouldn’t mind a Zelda/Shiek game either! I feel like it would similar to Assassin’s Creed and they could go the Liberation route and have you change identities. Like being able to swap between them on the fly for different situations.
Not for honor
I get what you’re saying, and I agree completely.
Now I’m definitely not defending this kid. He’s a monster and needs help rehabilitating. However....
What in the fuck was he playing?!? That shit would give me panic attacks. I would have to hotrail a LOT of meth and drink like 60 redbulls to get through one level of that insanity.
Look for another shop in the Hunter’s Dream.
Not surprised they want it taken down. It's actually good. Better than anything Saban would ever do with Power Rangers. I'm still irked that Go-Busters won't get its own season and they're doing that DinoCharge crap.
This was not a thing I knew I wanted until just now. My god.
Ducktales—inspired by the brilliant comics work of legendary comics artist Carl Barks—was the source material for one of the most beloved platformers of all time and the enthusiastic response to last year's announcement of Ducktales Remastered might have been one of the things that helped tip the odds in favor of a…
Disney, if you change the theme song you are dead to me. Seriously, what's the point without it?
Man of Steel and Matrix Revolutions had those fight scenes where I was like "See?! Why can't we make a good DBZ movie if they can do this?!
Nah. Man of Steel had the best live action DBZ fights.
As am I. Do you know of any Ethical Alternatives? I really like Ethics.
The Pre-Order 1886 =)