Hmm I think using a deep freezer in the garage is more hygenic if she plans to keep them there for a long time.
Hmm I think using a deep freezer in the garage is more hygenic if she plans to keep them there for a long time.
I think out of all the times you guys choose to censor yourselves this might be the worst. Post the picture, get people mad. I mean you are going bankrupt over the Hulk Hogan bullshit but this is the time you chose to self-censor?
I’m not sure I could contain myself if I was watching this go down. I’m not a strong man and pretty sure I’d get hurt trying to help but wtf...
The more arrogant that Hillary supporters talk, the less I want to vote when it comes down to it. You don’t want Bernie supporters, fine hope you really will be able to beat Trump without them. Nothing hurts with letting Sanders negotiate with Hillary for his endorsement but you better hope your arrogance doesn’t fuck…
Is it kind of how social interactions aren’t important to you since you don’t get sex and you’re gonna just jerk yourself off anyways?
You didn’t think this through. Shifter can be as complex as they want, issue is with the lack of feedback and failsafes.
When mommies and daddies really love each other...
Well I personally think you AND Stephen A. Smith should act more like Lebron’s wife.
Looks like that camera man committed a “Cleveland-flagrant foul” on Lebron, won’t be seeing that camera man in game 7 for sure.
She probably watched the same game I watched.
Try one less coffee. That’s from someone who thinks this trailer looks good.
Really don’t need to say more
Right? Step over someone as they are getting up (after knocking them down) and get blamed for hitting them in the nuts.
Pedantic much?
Damn that’s ugly. RIP your good taste.
Cool and you’re wrong as well as everyone else who “was gonna say that too”.
God help us.
99% sure these are significantly faster than any memory stick. Much more usable at higher capacities.
99% sure these are significantly faster than any memory stick. Much more usable at higher capacities.
Is she pronouncing capillaries correctly? Never heard anyone say it like that.