
Hate this kid more and more each time he or his family speaks. The little shit got 6 months which should be a huge win for them and they still keep talking. Just stfu and own it, you fucking trash. Also apologize to this girl already. “Educated” people with no common sense or empathy are the worst..

You could just be methodical in how you put on and handle your contacts and don’t have panic knee jerk reactions and everything will be just fine. Eyes can handle a lot, but not a finger nail while you are gouging at them.

My custom solution to that issue. The fan is simply running directly off the motherboard at a fixed speed but inaudible. It actually works pretty well.

Same, I only use one slow spinning, 120 mm exhaust fan and have a fanless power supply. Last thing I want is my formerly silent PC to only be making noise from one video card fan. It will drive me nuts and I won’t be happy.

Yeah her positions are all over the place and not very consistent with what a real liberal would want.

...and our conversation end at “Bernie Bros” and “angry entitled white men”, keep playing that tiny fiddle and keep voting with your vagina.

Who gives a fuck what party he is in? He actually stands for something and he’s consistent what he stands for and doesn’t say anything just to be pander. Hillary can’t answer a yes or no question in fear she might stand for something that might lose one vote. She’s far more right wing despite her “democratic”

Gotta shame her though, there is only one correct candidate if you have a vagina. /s

She has position other than being for herself as president?

Right? Oh you only ruined the national economy and made billions off the backs of hard working people. Here is a small fine that is now where near how much you made for doing this and also here is a bailout... Hope this teaches you a lesson.

Guy on car forum going to a chain store to get oil done. That’s a shame... Just make sure they are actually changing the oil filter and/or oil. Read it’s a crap shoot.

They both look pretty busted.

A girlfriend of mine did that, she’s my ex now.

A girlfriend of mine did that, she’s my ex now.

Damn I hesitated, they’re back to $13.

Damn I hesitated, they’re back to $13.

Damn people are picky as fuck. I had a girlfriend whom I lived with. When I bought nice pot and pans she was offened. It wasn’t even as a gift for her but us because what we had was crap.

Damn people are picky as fuck. I had a girlfriend whom I lived with. When I bought nice pot and pans she was

Hmm as a person, I’d love a robot vacuum as a gift from anyone if I didn’t already own one. It’s not like they are buying it for you to say “Here! Now get to work, bitch!”. They’re buying it to make sure you or no one in your household has to vacuum.

Hmm as a person, I’d love a robot vacuum as a gift from anyone if I didn’t already own one. It’s not like they are

Bwaahahahah you’re like this with everyone. What’s it like to have no friends?

I dunno, I once refused to let a Tesla that was on autopilot merge in front of me because I had just passed him and he had plenty of room behind me (at that point I did not know it was on autopilot). All of a sudden the thing started jerking forward and then emergency braking repeatedly. I did not know what to do when

That’s what happens, there are people on either side of the bell curve. Most people (normal people) give very little fucks. Then there are the outlines on either side that are the most noticeable.