I guess I need a raise since I’m a bit more than 50%.
I guess I need a raise since I’m a bit more than 50%.
That’s genius. What about the back of that key, right next to the washer?
Sometimes I just feel like Barry just doesn’t get it. Once in a while he does surprise me though.
I just bit the bullet a while ago and switched;I sold my gen 2 Nest and I bought the HomeKit ecobee3. Does a good job at not turning off when I’m home unlike the Nest. It also seems to keep the tempurature a lot more consistent throughout the house.
I just bit the bullet a while ago and switched;I sold my gen 2 Nest and I bought the HomeKit ecobee3. Does a good…
Right? How can you not love that Curry made his own lane.
Out of the finest artisinal vinegar?
They really did a new hardware release pretty quickly. Doesn’t seem like it’s been that long since pi2 came out.
Doesn’t take into account returns but still a pretty significant number. A decent new car number.
Man life is tough now a days...
Oh man, arsoning is going to be soo funny. “Yeah he was on his live stream then his house started burning, fucking hilarious! Epic troll.”
While gaming only though... right? Also 1-3 is a big range... Trying to get an idea of actual battery life.
While gaming only though... right? Also 1-3 is a big range... Trying to get an idea of actual battery life.
Own a MacBook Pro but only with integrated intel graphics. It can handle a pretty light gaming but man would it be nice to have a full GTX 970. How is the battery life?
Own a MacBook Pro but only with integrated intel graphics. It can handle a pretty light gaming but man would it be…
Idiots will be idiots. What are you going to do now when the girl who you though was a guy (and used to go to the men’s restroom) shows up in your daughters restroom because well... laws... What if that girl (which looks like a dude) is attracted to other girls. What do you do now? There is a legit way to deal with…
Honestly it kind of pisses me off how much attention she is getting over this. If she was at least a nice person I would not care, but there are so many people out there struggle through so much worse and keep living while this chick loses a fight and thinks about offing herself. Just like her MMA game, her core…
Sarcasm is great, well done.
Naw but I was a grumpy old man all angry about the noise (until I realized they just came from sf).
This was pretty cool, about 2 minutes after they flew over the stadium in SF on TV they flew over my house in Mountain View. Was kind of neat seeing it on TV then hearing them overhead that shortly after.
That’s a nice butt and all but I’m not sure how good it looks when my browser load gizmodo.com at work at the moment.
No you’re wrong and you should feel bad about it. Because I don’t use a flat sheet either.