
Yeah it’s kind of crazy how stuck people are on gender. I actually liked Hillary but Bernie is completely on another level. Yes, Bernie is a white male and it would be nice to see a women president but even with Bernie being a white male he is still far different than any president we’ve had and it’s extremely



You really need to go? You could save money by moving less. Save on food and maybe even gas.

You really need to go? You could save money by moving less. Save on food and maybe even gas.

Because you really could make the same argument for just about anything.

Because you really could make the same argument for just about anything.

Not everyone has the same priorities, values or income. It’s also possible that some people have more income than you and nicer house than you. Some areas have a higher cost of living but pay is also higher. So to some people $100 trashcan may seem ridiculous while to others it’s the only trash can that actually

Not everyone has the same priorities, values or income. It’s also possible that some people have more income than

That’s partly the problem. The odd one out is the one that will likely cause an accident. It’s not like these cars will do things exactly like the human drivers. I’m sure everything it learns will still have to pass some physics test and add some buffer in to avoid something unpredictable. If we ever get to the point

Find it more likely that someone (either previous owner or dealership employee) swapped rims. That or a previous owner put the badges on. Just seems like a risky thing for a dealer to try to pull that kind of shit.

Jeez thanks for that, if you didn’t use “mansplain” in a comment it would have taken me a little bit longer to realize I was on Jezebel this time.

lol you’re comparing dumbass irresponsible shit you did, to someone getting pulled slowly on a snowboard. I’ve been in moto accidents myself, I hauled ass through curvy roads and did risky things, BUT every moto accident I’ve been in was a calculated risk, I was usually able to walk away or even ride away form most of

I bet this is the most attention you’ve received all week, so you’re going to bask in it as long as possible? First too dangerous, now too slow... you’ll say just about anything to continue feeling relevant eh?

You really figured me out. *Stays inside because there is too much risk outside. Expands insurance coverage (again).*

OK, we get it, you’re a boring fuck by choice... you can go away now.

It seems like a great opportunity for comedy.

Overall I think evaporative humidifiers are the best. They are exremely simple and they actually do help with the humidity even when they are off ( a little).

Overall I think evaporative humidifiers are the best. They are exremely simple and they actually do help with the

Nothing to see here, just a dude who realizes he is pointless and trying to feel needed.

Looks good, solid design, no smells while closed, bought cheap 30L bags and they work great.

Looks good, solid design, no smells while closed, bought cheap 30L bags and they work great.

Yep they probably could have just went with a bigger board and added functionality like an additional PCIE slot for a nice NVME SSD. Personally I like my Lian-Li PC-Q33 case. Very tiny, easy to work on and it fit’s a noctua d14.

Yeah, well the reason I usually say yes to group rides is because we have awesome mountain roads around here. I usually go to highway 9 and have a blast (around the santa cruz, CA mountains).

Was pretty new to bikes at the time so I didn’t know better (at least I knew enough to leave). Not always true, but group think (with a lack of the think part) does seem to take over the more people there are. I’ve been on some huge organized rides from local forums and they were pretty good with very little