
I went for one ride with people like this once. I was invited to go ride so I usually don’t turn that down. The whole time they were revving their engine and doing lame fucking stunts and trying as desperately as possible to get ANY kind of attention. I left the first chance I got... Seriously these type of people are

I heard he plans on finally being awake during interviews and debates.

Watched it opening day (midnight). It was the point at which i literally fell asleep. I think my brain gave up and realized it was not worth it (and I usually don’t sleep early).

Who is Lindsey Graham?

Nordstrom gift card works at nordstrom rack as well?

Nordstrom gift card works at nordstrom rack as well?

Yeah it’s a great idea... if you are looking for a noisy, power-hungry, inefficient, big ass computer. Why not just go on eBay and buy computer parts that are a few generations older? Performance wise there has not been much improvement when it comes to CPUs (not to mention most games don’t need a beefy CPU). A

So, I’ll say it again... If you do a modification to a car that makes the braking bias is incorrect, it is possible for a pull on the hand brake to correct the bias. It’s not that complicated (at least to most people). What is complicated is being able to say with 100% certainty that he is wrong about HIS particular

Again you can’t possibly diagnose if HIS car did not benefit from pulling the hand brake. If his bias is off because of the size tires he is using it’s possible. He has nothing to prove, if he knows his car he knows his car. Trying to assert how correct you are over the internet is fucking dumb. I’m not saying that

Fear mongering at it’s best, go back to Fox News you go.

I agree that skidding is not an effective way to stop. Either way there are still way too many variables to tell the guy he’s wrong what he did... Did he change tire sizes with the slicks? Is the brake bias which was good on stock tires still valid for slicks (with same or different rim sizes). Did pulling the ebrake

Thanks! Miss the original Colbert, the new Colbert show feels like he is really holding back. At least the Daily Show is still worth watching...

Sorry you gotta go through all this bullshit to defend yourself. If you say you know the car then you know the car that should kinda be the end of it. I’ve had cars which I knew majority of the limits and ways to change those limits slightly. For example in certain (extreme) braking situations my brakes would just get

Lol I did and in all honesty not my type.

Right? I was confused as to why anyone found this behavior unique, maybe they have no women in their life?

I have no shame at home.

Slippery slope, first it’s googling a porn star on your phone, next fap sessions in the bathroom and soon you’re sucking dicks for raises.

I would not be surprised that when I do google her, it will just be a “oh, right her” type of reaction.

Eh... that tiny screen would never be good enough for the extensive research.

Yeah most porn stars are so boring I just feel like sleeping after.

I promise to do my due dillegence and not stop the research until I come to some sort of epiphany and/or feel too sleepy to continue.