
Well great, now I need to remember to google “Gianna porn star” after work.. This is going to rest heavily on my mind all day.

This stuff cleans it for about 3 months, after which it gets cloudy again due to the UV rays damaging the exposed plastic.

This stuff cleans it for about 3 months, after which it gets cloudy again due to the UV rays damaging the exposed

That’s what they want you to think..

No mention of the great deal on the ecobee3 thermostat kit. $249 for thermostat with 1 sensor + 3 additional sensors.

No mention of the great deal on the ecobee3 thermostat kit. $249 for thermostat with 1 sensor + 3 additional sensors.

That’s it I’m gonna boycot.

I want to be a ballerina... today. I don’t want to hear your gender fueled excuses on how I don’t know anything about ballet or need to practice. It’s time we have more men in ballet.

Yeah I’m just kinda venting, I hate articles like this, it really takes away from what we do. What pisses me off more is I think if I was more socially accepted when I was younger I probably would know a lot less about computers and tech. It was just something I did to pass time and I grew to like it. I was taking

Yeah I know you gotta be PC right? I don’t care i’ve never met women as passionate or even remotely interested in electronics and tech as I am. Now they want tech jobs because there are not enough women? Ok, then learn about it and prove yourself, writing an article won't do that neither will a hashtag.

Yeah, so I didn’t even go to school for the same thing I’m doing as a career, but it turned out I’m better at what I’ve been doing all my life than that what I studied for 4 years. There are a lot of people I work with that are like me and in many cases the people who simply enjoy it are way better than the people who

I’m sincerely sorry if I offended anyone but in my opinion the amount of women in tech reflect the amount if interest women have in tech.

So know now what we know about you, would it be safe to say that everyone who is the same religion as you, a bigot asshole?

“There has never been a better use for 2,500 horsepower than this.”

Funny, all I got out of your comment is that you’re a simpleton.

It’s almost like you have no clue why people play games on a PC.

Yeah it’s amazing, most the nuts find nothing wrong with Bush and they blame Bill Clinton “and his horrible foreign policy” for 9/11... SMH...

I’ve recently just decided the stupid people on my Facebook are not worth the stress they cause me when I read their posts. Two have made the cut so far... I actually considered making conversation with them but then I realized that I’d be no better than them talking about politics on Facebook.

I’m not saying the rapist wasn’t a complete jerk for raping her but all of this could have been avoided if she:

Points need to sink into something.

Keep on being yourself! I hear simple people are happier and easier to entertain.

Again you are about as bad as the driver of the car when you focus too much on the laws and not their intentions. There would be literally no difference with the outcome of the situation if the rider was licensed. Saying “oh well if he wasn’t riding, he could not get hit”, yes if he wasn’t riding someone else would