Nah, but sorry Kinja makes it seem that way sometimes. I thought that didn't actually post.
Yeah it's after. A doctor told me this. After will flush out anything you might have got in there by mistake. That just makes sense. You don't pee before, because then there is nothing left to pee after. And peeing is hard enough after because it's all a bit shell shocked in that department for a while after...
Just an update. 2014 was not brighter. It was much, much worse, with said partner cheating on me and me quitting my job and moving cities. But the cat is alive and 100% well a year later. So there's that. :)
Have you considered that this pickyness re age is the reason why you're "planning to date" and not"actually dating" someone? Sometimes a person just shows up, and they aren't the age you planned for, or they're a different height or have different hair. It seems silly to throw away an opportunity to find happiness…
There needs to be more movies about romantic gestures failing, and less about them succeeding. This would serve as an important public service announcement against being a creeper, but would also be way funny. Win win.
Naked selfies I'm willing to bet.
I was at that point about 10 months ago. What helped for me was just letting the career take a back seat to my mental health for a while. I took a job that a friend put me forward for, something that was outside of my field, and if I'm honest, I didn't really care about too much either way. It was just to pay the…
Is the first picture... the baby being born? I'm so confused.
I saw this story! That poor woman, what a thing to go through!
Overrated, over priced, taste like tissue paper. Get over yourself, pinenuts.
I read this as hamster-fisted. Doggone it that is one hamster-fisted cat lady.
I have tried telling my mother. I have literally screamed "BECAUSE YOU ARE A NARCISSISTIC ALCOHOLIC" down the phone. Three out of us three kids don't talk to her. She still doesn't get it. Because the simplest explanation can't possibly be the right one in her mind.
I think the fact that it doesn't work as an analogy is exactly why it's funny. It's facetious. It's deliberately inappropriate, and I just happen to find that kind of thing fucking hilarious. I totally agree with your points, and I don't believe reverse racism is possible, and I do believe that rape of males is a real…
But it's also a play on reverse racism. I'm not going to dissect the joke further, but that tickles me .
I'm sorry but "reverse rapism" works on so many levels as a one-liner. I think that's pretty genius.
I liked the kind of irritated grunt at 0.53.