
OMG can you imagine? I can barely get a pill down my cats throat, much less attempt to remove the ends of ten digits without any sedation... the dickhead who tries this is going to get their forearms torn to shreds just trying to hold the cat down.

I'm going to quietly, non yellingly tell you that the small group of cats that you know personally don't have any problems from declawing doesn't make up for the ones that do. Your sample size is small.

And that, my friend, is her reason.

Dogs also use their tails for balance, and communication and all sorts of other functions. Removal of a tail is, like your knuckle comparison, basically the amputation of a perfectly healthy limb. Plus, the only reason tails are docked is vanity and confirmation to breed standard.

Well, if it's the second time? Maybe you need to work on your material?

Oh absolutely. Every ad for beauty products claims some kinds of pseudoscience bibble and it seems outrageous they can get away with saying shit like that. Wacky percentages about the volume increase of your eyelashes - that shit isn't real, but it's remarkable how many people don't realise that.

I know you know this, but the movie was about a book called the Neverending Story. The movie itself never promised not to end.

We have "Real time" bus arrival information where I live, but I'm not sure which version of reality it is based in. Don't get excited. Really.

That's very interesting - I believe my mother to be a narcissist and I think I might be guilty of demanding intimacy very early on. I am a sharer in any relationship though, I wonder if that's why?

Hang on, wait. This said the questions could make you fall in love - it didn't say they were required to be answered in order for someone to fall in love with you. Sometimes (in fact, I suppose most of the time) it happens without these questions.

And now, if anyone offers to try this with you, you'll have awesome answers already lined up.

Oh, voice of reason over here.

For me, this is particularly sweet as burn because earlier this year I was told to take down a wee motivational picture I had on my desk at work, namely Amy and Tina's Bitches Get Stuff Done. This injustice (I know, I know, appropriate tone for office, blah blah) was done whilst a male workmate was still allowed to

Given a party that size, "two boys unconscious" and a "beer can thrown over the fence into the neighbor's bushes" seem like a reasonable level of damage.


The Googles/Post Punk Kitchen

You are like some kind of Uber bastard. There needs to be another, even more bad-ass word for a child that is the result of infidelity. I'm one of those as well!!

Whatever, Children of Parents Who Were Never Married win this round. Bastard fo' life.

Haha, thank you, kind internet stranger. Your friend sounds like the best. I have mostly been congratulated on my classiness given the situation, but if you're friend is anything like me, less than classy thoughts will have certainly floated through her mind on occasion throughout the whole ordeal! I'm now mostly

Thank you, it's important I hear these things from another perspective, as many of my friends have gone a bit silent on the matter.